Skirmisher Tonalli

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Skirmisher Tonalli

Services: Skill trainer, ability trainer.
Location: Shadgard, Barracks
Affiliation: Shadgard
  Normally brooding and taciturn, the tall Huecatn man seems to shift easily into a more outspoken and enthusiastic demeanor when training students
  in the ways of combat, seeming to derive a significant amount of satisfaction from the act of teaching. While notorious for nitpicking every tiny
  flaw and misstep in his students, he does so only fairly and with a voice that conveys understanding patience rather than mockery or frustration.
  His long dark hair has been twisted into thick braids, and several scars along his dark skin suggest his training is based on plenty of combat experience.
  He is holding a pine-hafted flint spear adorned with hawk feathers in his right hand.
  He is wearing a jaguar-skin vest and some short jaguar-skin greaves bound by a leather belt (with a soft wool
  drawstring pouch (open) and a leather sling attached).

Skills Taught

Abilities Taught

  • Dodge Proficiency
  • Multi-Throw
  • Quick Aim
  • Ranged Combat Proficiency
  • Ranged Precision
  • True Shot
  • Weapon Focus: Sling