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Morale is a character stat that indicates that character's general level of contentedness and confidence. A character's morale level can be positive or negative, and naturally gravitates toward 0 (neither positive nor negative) over time. This stat can affect a character's rerolls for most any kind of skill check. Higher morale increases chances of a positive reroll, while lower morale increases the chances of a negative reroll.

Characters with the ShowProcs option enabled will be notified when morale has affected their rerolls.

Some things that can raise morale:

  • "Sleeping" (logging out for a significant amount of time) in a comfortable bed, such as those in inn rooms.
  • Consuming high-quality foods/drinks and desserts.
  • Bathing with soap and/or in a dedicated bathhouse.
  • splashing or swimming in water on hot days.
  • Various buff spells or effects.

Some things that can lower morale:

  • Traveling through the wilderness while starving.
  • Consuming low-quality (or simply bad-tasting) foods/drinks.
  • Death.
  • Various debuff spells or effects.

Note: Rooms flagged with "gathering spot" will prevent a character's positive morale from decreasing over time!