Tactics: Bard

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Tactics: Bard is an ability that can be learned by characters.

  • IC description: Bards have the gift of drawing inspiration from both their vast knowledge of lore and from what's going on around them in the moment. While not dedicated warriors, this gift can be combined with basic combat training to help keep a Bard safe as they wander the often-dangerous world in their never-ending search for new knowledge, tales, and experiences.
  • OOC description: (Combat endroll percentages (offensive of defensive) of 50% or more by the Bard or the Bard's group members will generate Inspiration for the Bard, a resource that lowers on its own over time. Inspiration increases the chances of positive Morale granting an extra reroll.)
  • Usage: tactic bard. Only one tactic can be used at a time.
  • Tactic Armor Hindrance reductions:
    • light: 5%
  • Prerequisite Abilities: