Knights Templar

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The Knights Templar are a military branch of the Church of Light, originating in the Kingdom of Ivial. Their primary aims are to combat the increasing ranks of evil nether-based beings in the world and to protect the defenseless from harm or oppression.

A templar's ability to harness and channel their inner light via Thaumaturgy for use in magic-like abilities is a discipline based on the monk's own sense of honor, compassion, virtue, and righteousness. It draws on their own power - not that of any patron deity. However, the channeling of one's inner light can be negatively effected or even outright prevented if one is not in the proper mental state. Selfishness, arrogance, deceit, and being too distracted by worldly matters are some of the things that can hinder one's ability to keep in touch with one's own inner light.

Templar are expected to follow strict moral guidelines and standards. If they end up acting in ways contrary to the standards of their Order, they may be demoted, put on probation or even expelled. As noted before, this may not always cause them to lose their powers to channel their Inner Light outright, though it will almost certainly diminish them due to the subconscious results of being chastised and expelled.

Some examples of actions that may get a Templar into trouble:

  • Stealing
  • Bullying
  • Dishonesty
  • Betrayal of trust
  • Unmannerly arrogance
  • Murder
  • Abusing power, using it to dominate or for personal gain

All Templar must assume that they are being watched and judged by their Guild leaders. While a Templar may be able to get away with bad conduct at times, if word of something ever reaches the Guild leaders, there will be investigation, and punishment if necessary.

As is standard practice within the Church of the Light, the Knights Templar honor the patron deity Serafina the Torchbearer and may call on her for assistance or guidance, though they do not worship her.



Templar are a warrior class, focused around combat. Their areas of expertise are defense, protecting/buffing allies and combating nether-based beings. Templar are often valued in groups for their ability to effectively guard party members, particularly those who wish to remain at range such as healers, casters and archers, or a weaker party member who is being escorted through dangerous territory.

While they have minor healing abilities via thaumaturgy, they can only heal scrapes - any wounds more severe must be handled by a Monk or a town healer. Still, a plate-clad Templar will often be able to heal many of his or her own wounds before they can worsen.


Templar can learn many martial abilities, as well as some offensive and defensive spells. They depend more on outlasting their foes than sheer offensive power, though this isn't to say that they are lacking in offensive capabilities.

Templar are particularly effective against nether-based beings, as they possess many abilities that channel their inner light, which nether-beings are particularly vulnerable to.

Promotion Points

Promotion points can be earned in the following ways:

  • Successfully completing tasks from the Guildmaster

The following actions will automatically reduce promotion points:

  • Stealing

Overall Pros

  • Good martial combatants
  • Particularly effective in combat against nether-based beings
  • Many defensive abilities and resistances make them difficult to defeat in combat
  • Peerless at guarding allies
  • Able to perform minor healing via thaumaturgy

Overall Cons

  • Focus on combat leaves few non-combat utility abilities
  • Light-based attacks are fairly weak when used on non-nether beings or against rigid metallic armors
  • Often scrutinized and judged due to their expectation to adhere to a strict moral code


  • ... many more yet to be implemented!

Guild Services

None yet.