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Grum and the Grummers are a mashing-together of people from all different cultures. It was originally a small settlement and haven for those brilliant minds in Nuum who were for whatever reason unable or unwilling to practice channeling. In the magic-obsessed nation of Nuum, they were undervalued and unappreciated due to not being able to channel, and looked down on as menial workers. The settlement gained a reputation for its freedom and independence, as well as the intellectual and technological brilliance of the original settlers, drawing immigrants from the surrounding nations. Its population also swelled considerably during times of war or dissent in other nations, as people who desired peace, freedom, or just a change of lifestyle sought somewhere else to call home. The original settlers had a bitterness for those who practiced channeling and thought non-magical technology was "low" or "worthless", and this bitterness always remained in Grum to some extent. The settlement eventually grew into the magic-shunning clockwork/steam-tech nation that it is today.
