Berserker Valkari

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The berserker Valkari is a Dwaedn Wyr taskmaster, promoter, and trainer near Mistral Lake. She resides in the Vatnfjall ruins fort outside the town. She has a trophy of lake kraken tentacles mounted on the wall of the Grizzly Den in Dwaedn Vil.


Nearly seven feet tall and broad of build, Valkari is clearly not a woman to be trifled with. A tangled mess of strawberry-blond hair partially obscures her intense pale-green eyes.

She is holding a massive leather-wrapped claidhmore in her right hand.

She is wearing a hard dark leather helmet, a hard dark leather gorget, a fur-lined thick leather breastplate, some scaled dark leather vambraces, a pair of thick leather gloves, some scaled dark leather greaves and a pair of hard dark leather boots.


  • Skill Trainer (Dwaedn Wyr only)
  • Dwaedn Wyr taskmaster
  • Dwaedn Wyr guildmaster (gives promotions and teaches abilities)

Skills Taught

Note: Valkari only teaches skills to Dwaedn Wyr.