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Some are worshiped, some are called gods, others demons, and yet others spirits or ascended mortals. The collective term generally used for these types of beings is 'Immortals.' These listings and documents are certain to contain bias, speculation, mistranslation, and outright errors - such is the way of things when dealing with mysterious lore of this nature.

note: This list is not yet complete!


Immortals commonly acknowledged or even worshiped by humankind, many going back as far as the history of civilization. Their names are many, but the names listed below are those by which these Immortals are currently most commonly known.

  • Aphraen - Keeper of Dreams, Guardian of the Night.
  • Aranas - The Great Spider, bringer of terror and weaver of lies, also often considered a patron of revenge.
  • Atros - Watcher of Wild Places, Lady of Wild Things. She is frequently associated with the gaea. In some places, Atros is thought to be the manifestation of the gaea.
  • The Blood God - God of Blood, Sacrifices, and Feasts.
  • Bogvaskr - The Huntsman (to the Nuum he is known as Rami, the Archer).
  • Madrim - Lord of the Harvest, the Green Man, and the Cultivator.
  • Malfant - Guardian of lost and forbidden knowledge, seeker of secrets, and according to some, bringer of nightmares and madness.
  • Mountain Father - The last of the Mountain Giants, lover of stonework, father and patron to the Giganti.
  • Naia - The River Goddess, often seen as a patron of nature and fertility. She is the younger sister of Nereia and daughter of Vodr.
  • Nereia - The Sea Goddess, patron of fishermen and sailors. She is the elder sister of Naia and daughter of Vodr.
  • Serafina - The Torchbearer, patron deity of the Church of Light.
  • Teonanacatl - God of fungus, decay, and the cycle of life and death. (Generally unassociated with the resen)
  • Vandin - The Sun God.
  • Verungnr - Creature of the Abyss, a terrible tentacled monstrosity who drags damned souls down to eternal darkness in the deepest depths of the ocean.
  • Vodr - The Thunder God, bringer of storms. Many believe him to be lost or dead, though some occasionally still worship or pray to him. Father of Naia and Nereia.
  • Undm - Keeper of Souls, she is charged with watching over the dead.


Druidic Immortals are those whose realm is the world of nature - plants and animals. It should be noted that druidic Immortals are somewhat enigmatic, not having human-like personalities or characteristics, and can be difficult to understand by non-druids.

  • Gaea - The soul of the planet itself, the Gaea is the spirit of all plant life, and master over animal life.
  • Great Bear Spirit - Often considered mightiest of the Animal Spirits, the Great Bear Spirit is also the patron of the Dwaedn Wyr.
  • Reykvargr - The Smoke Wolf, ostracized amongst the Animal Spirits for her anger and wrath against humankind, patron of the Dunwyr.


Ascended Immortals are individuals who were once mortal but achieved such power or renown that they are now considered Immortals. Others listed here are considered "lesser" immortals in comparison to the more standard pantheon.

  • Destiny Owleyes - The Ice Queen, a powerful enchantress and cryomancer who discovered the secret to immortality and forged her own nation. She has not been seen recently, though her Sisterhood maintains matters for her during her absence.
  • Jonathon Crowhaven - The Necromancer, a powerful and reclusive sorcerer who has mastered death. Many seek his knowledge or counsel in the sorcerous arts, though he will see no one. This has not stopped some fanatics from forming cults dedicated to him on their own.
  • Kebyet - The Dancer, a Nuum woman whose beauty and dance was so unsurpassed that she manipulated even the Immortals themselves into granting her immortality.
  • The Pumpkin King - An odd pumpkin-headed entity who has taken it upon himself to be the master of lost souls that are bound to the mortal world, unable to pass on.