Personal Hiatus

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Personal Hiatus

Post by Zeldryn »

Hey everybody!

Just another brief shoutout that I won't be around as often as I have been in previous months, in case folks have ongoing RP with me or are looking for Zeldryn in any active capacity. I know I talk to a lot of people and dip my fingers in a lot of ongoing plots, so I'm sure I forgot to let someone know about this in advance. Hence the post.

Life's a little lifey presently, and the state of the game's leaving my character in a bit of a rock and a hard place in regard to keeping myself entertained in the day to day grind. So-- i'm still here, I'll still be poking my head in every now and again, but in case you're one of the people wondering where I'm at, that's where I'm at!

If for some reason you absolutely need Zeldryn for something IC, he can still be reached at his postbox. So-- do so if you need to do so. No biggie!

But yeah. It was just easier to say it here than to explain to all of the people I usually am RPing with. I'm sure i'll be back eventually. I'm just finding myself lacking motivation and enthusiasm presently.

Hope all's well your way, and I'm sure i'll see you all again sooner than later. Have fun while i'm gone!
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
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Re: Personal Hiatus

Post by Rias »

I definitely know what life getting lifey can be like these days. Stay strong, do what you need to do, and sneak over here when you can!
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Re: Personal Hiatus

Post by artus »

I'm happy we got to interact deeply ic before you have your cooldown, man. You're awesome. Ihope I'll be seeing you soon when you're up and ready again. We're not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere.
[CHAT - Event Staff Uyoku likes NOM NOM NOM food]: You are holding a pepper-grilled Uyoku in your right hand.
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Re: Personal Hiatus

Post by Zeldryn »

Much appreciated for sure!

These kinds of breaks are healthy, anyway. I'll be all nice and enthusiastic when I'm back and have more time in the personal life to focus on clok stuff. Thanks again for the responses!
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
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