Led horses don't get a travel bonus

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Led horses don't get a travel bonus

Post by Lun »

I was moving a horse from stable A to stable B, riding a different horse, and noticed I was getting an interesting lack of a mounted travel bonus.

You are followed by a sleek pure white horse.

(You slow down in order to not leave any group members behind.)
Travel time: 5 seconds.

but if I were trailblazing, or getting a fairwinds bonus while on foot, I'd take the horse with me on a rapid travel journey.

Can leading horses while mounted be updated to reflect this?
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Re: Led horses don't get a travel bonus

Post by Jirato »

Leading something through the wilderness takes more time and effort, it's not quite the same as just travelling solo.

If anything, need to remove the bonuses from leading a horse while not mounted, if I understand correct that you were getting a bonus leading as long as you weren't mounted.
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Re: Led horses don't get a travel bonus

Post by Lun »

Yes, when a player has trailblazing or fairwinds, they lead the entire group through the wilderness faster by one second, the equivalent of having a fully mounted group.
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