Props to Ran
Props to Ran
Jilliana just met this character for the first time recently and I have had so much fun roleplaying with him. It is challenging and it never fails to entertain.
CHAT - Sir Alexander Candelori: Truly a man is an abomination that does not dip his french fries into his chocolate frosty.
Bryce flatly says, "Just fair warning: If one of those things webs me, I'm going to scream like a girl."
Bryce flatly says, "Just fair warning: If one of those things webs me, I'm going to scream like a girl."
Re: Props to Ran
Yeah. While I have not had much opportunity to engage in anything deeper than a 2-minute scene with him, it's been cool to see his concept.
Re: Props to Ran
Ran is definitely a neat character, and always fun to play with! I love how long he stuck with the limits he imposed on the character.