Wiki Updates

Artisans of the Western Coalition, specializing in resource-gathering and crafting.
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Wiki Updates

Post by sona »

Hey my dear artisans and friends,

I thought I'd start a thread for the artisan wiki that requires updating based on current in game information. I don't really know much about editing wikis, so I won't bother asking for a wiki account, but thought that having a thread with easy to access information so that people who can update the wiki and do update it, have quick access to it instead of needing to sweep through the game info themselves. So, if you notice anything else that could use updating on the wiki, feel free to post it here.

1. Blacksmith Mastery: Master Blacksmith - req:
150 forging: armor
150 forging: bladed weapons
150 forging: blunt weapons
500 forging: general

2. Abillity: Shopkeeper not listed on wiki. req:
Ability: Merchant's Eye
Ability: Apprentice Fisherman
Ability: Apprentice Lumberjack
Ability: Appraisal Specialist
Ability: Apprentice Farmer
Ability: Apprentice Lapidary
Ability: Apprentice Miner
Ability: Apprentice Blacksmith
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Re: Wiki Updates

Post by Jirato »

I thought Shopkeeper was removed from the game. Let me investigate this further before we add it back to the wiki.
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Re: Wiki Updates

Post by sona »

Cool, I thought it was too, but it's still on Locke's list of "I'd teach you that" so I figured the wiki was just outdated. Yay Jirato! Yay Artisans! Stuff :D
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Re: Wiki Updates

Post by Enepttastic »

Wiki still lists hireable mercs, something I was extremely disappointed to learn isn't in the game anymore since it essentially means Aeric now HAS to learn combat to not need to run like a pansy every time a spider shows up while he's logging or mining(assuming there's something worse than the emo shades that float around the Shadgard mine).

That actually destroyed a chunk of my character development plans for him. While I'm more than well aware that I could see about hiring a PC merc, for one: While it is a bit meta, I, as a player, am too nice to subject another player to having to watch me log for the odd chance a spider shows up.

Honestly, makes me wonder why the merc guild is called such in the first place but that's another topic altogether.

Hadn't bothered asking in-game but are the Mine/Work carts still a thing either?

edit: Clarifying
Last edited by Enepttastic on Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wiki Updates

Post by Bryce »

You can get decent rolls with logging or mining skill alone, lets you swing hafted weapons well enough to deal with those spiders at least.

Mercenaries don't deserve to exist if they can't be hired as NPC minions? Dibs on Spearhead's stuff.
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Re: Wiki Updates

Post by Enepttastic »

Bryce wrote:You can get decent rolls with logging or mining skill alone, lets you swing hafted weapons well enough to deal with those spiders at least.

Mercenaries don't deserve to exist if they can't be hired as NPC minions? Dibs on Spearhead's stuff.
Was not my intention to imply the guild itself shouldn't exist, nor did I intend to imply that the lack of NPC minions is the only reason why I think they should be renamed, I'll tweak that post.

First off, I'll admit that I may not know some things about the guild, but between the wiki, what I've seen in-game, and what I've read on the boards, the Merc guild seems to be mercenary in name and nothing more. It'd just make more sense, to me anyways, to reestablish the guild with a name that is more fitting of a non-magical martial warrior guild(No, I don't have a name suggestion).

I could speak further on this but, like I said, that's something for another topic.

Edit: Forgot to address the spider half of your post:
Not even taking into account my wondering why logging/mining would improve hafted weapons combat outside of a potential damage boost, Aeric's isn't keen on the idea of doing that for a couple of reasons. For one, he damages his tools enough as-is using them for their intended purpose. Second, they're giant spiders, he's not a warrior; his first reaction to one was to run like hell. After he got a bow for hunting with, he tried shooting them on occasion only to suffer for it each and every time he's tried. He has absolutely no inclination to purposefully get into melee range and I don't really see that changing for him anytime soon.
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Re: Wiki Updates

Post by Fayne »

Addressing your issue about the Mercs not seeming like true mercs: Jirato has stated in another forum post that he is trying to get the mercs away from the more militaristic style they are now. I interpret that as making them more merc-like.

Honestly, the Coalition guilds both kinda got away from what they were originally meant to be. Artisans were once called Traders, and they were meant to specialize in one or two professions and then, you know, TRADE to complete tasks outside their profession. Unfortunately, no one ever traded, and after much complaining and bickering and arguing, among players and between players and GMs, Traders became Artisans.

I think what's happening now is everyome is starting to see that Mercs don't really fit the mercenary bill either. They're less a ragtag group of hireswords and more a privately owned and operated military. I think Jirato is trying to change that rather than renaming the Mercs to match what they've become like the Artisans. Mercs can be saved easier. I'd make suggestions as to how to make them seem more like mercs, but this is not the proper place, so I won't.
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Re: Wiki Updates

Post by Vinz »

I updated one of those things. I see Shopkeeper is still a thing that can be trained, but i am unable to create new pages on the wiki! So until i can figure that out. However, thanks for the update!
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