Acting Mayor Gunther sponsors birthday celebration!

The dusty rough-and-tumble frontier mining town where you're likely to be looking down the barrel of a flintlock if you cause any trouble.
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Acting Mayor Gunther sponsors birthday celebration!

Post by Rias »

Acting Mayor Gunther has announced that there will be a town-sponsored birthday celebration for two of Shadgard's stalwart heroes and defenders, Evelyn and Lacie. A large pavilion has been set up on West Row, and will be opened at 8 bells post-zenith (7:00 PST).

Refreshments and music will be provided, and Acting Mayor Gunther has also hinted that he has some birthday gifts in mind for the two being honored tonight.

"The town really needs some reasons to celebrate in these troubled times," said Gunther. "When I heard of the recent birthdays of these two women who have done so much for Shadgard, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for an event that people could look forward to, and would help raise town morale."


I announced this on Facebook/Twitter earlier today, but sadly didn't think to announce it here as well. Sorry for the short notice.
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