Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

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Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

Post by Orris »

We were talking about what to call that unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral tonight since nobody knows what to call it. Someone suggested calling it the Mistral Lake crossroads, but it's about 11 leagues away from Mistral Lake, that's pretty far. I suggested calling it Valdarr crossroads because the sign by the obelisk pointing north toward the crossroads says Valdarr. Someone argued that that's an ancient name for it, but I don't see why that would be a reason to not call it that. What do other people think? We might as well get this cleared up and nailed down so it can finally have a name one way or the other!
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Re: Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

Post by Jaster »

Ok.. just stick with me here.. how about..... the unnamed crossroads. Brilliant.
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Re: Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

Post by Laroremas »

The Vagjjnnnfaldugthgardt crossroads
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Re: Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

Post by Jaster »

That has a certain ring to it.
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Re: Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

Post by Drayla »

The only problem I have with calling it the Valdarr Crossroads is that until that city is opened we must practically pretend it does not exist. Otherwise, why wouldn't people go there? Also, we don't even know for sure that Valdarr is the current name of the ruins, or if the city will actually be opened someday. If it is whisked away to never exist, what then? I'm also not sure about calling it the Mistral Road Crossroad either, since just before you cross the bridge leading to Mistral the road branches off again to the north. I assume that road will actually lead somewhere eventually.

TL;DR - I don't think I agree with any suggested names as of yet and suggest waiting for the unnamed city to be opened before naming it.
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Re: Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

Post by Rias »

You can all fight over what you want to call it, but the abandoned city at those crossroads is indeed Valdarr as the signpost suggests, and it's not going anywhere. Why wouldn't people go there? It's an overgrown ruin, the heavy fortified city gates are closed, and nobody has the key. Why doesn't someone force the gate open, break through, or climb over the walls? Same reason you can't do that in several other places that exist in CLOK - players are simply not meant to be able to access it at this point, so use your imagination coming up with excuses if it bothers you that much.
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Re: Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

Post by Kiyaani »

I don't see why this is something we have to establish a name for as a playerbase. If you want to call it Valdarr because of the obelisk that's totally fine . If you want to call it the city southeast of Mistral, north of the University etc. then that's fine too. People will know what you mean. It's an RPG so people can be creative and call things what they want. I personally would recommend just meeting at the established landmark - the obelisk. The directions to where everyone was headed last night are just as easy from there.

If the devs make a change and the ruin becomes something more we can always just retcon. We're good at reconning things *cough Caldwell cough*.
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Re: Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

Post by Rias »

Caldwell still exists, and the town itself hasn't moved. The only thing that moved was the OOC portal randomly sittng there on the road that led to it.

I think it's funny that there's resistance to calling it Valdarr just because you can't enter the actual area. It's still Valdarr. I also guarantee it will be enterable and explorable at some point. In fact ...
The ruins of a large city lie at the center of this intersection, the northern forest growing right up against the northern city wall.
The area is mostly quiet.
You also notice an old and weathered sign outside the main southern gate of the city.

read sign
You read the Common Letters written on an old and weathered sign outside the main southern gate of the city:
Case closed, you're welcome.
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Re: Unnamed crossroads southeast of Mistral

Post by Collins »

This made me chuckle.
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