Characters and personalities

A place to socialize out-of-character and off-topic.
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Characters and personalities

Post by artus »

Happy belated valentines guys!
I've been quite a fan of personality tests. I tried to find something that clicked for me, and was recently deeply impressed with how accurate MBTI got me. (You gotta have to try til you find something that clicks afterall).
Then I start having random thoughts When it comes to characters. Do you guys relate your characters to any psychological traits? Do you align your characters with any personality types? Doesn't matter what personality inventory you use, just anything you feel like your characters may be.
[CHAT - Event Staff Uyoku likes NOM NOM NOM food]: You are holding a pepper-grilled Uyoku in your right hand.
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Re: Characters and personalities

Post by Dorn »

Yes. Totally a psychopathic killer but Dorn has the bravery to come out as one. How I envy him.

In seriousness, pre- current Dorn I'd have said we definitely shared a general preference for solitude and to logic over emotions.
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