A Lonely Ride

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A Lonely Ride

Post by Dorn »

The horse struggled to keep his footing on the snow-covered road, the occasional pothole hidden beneath the fine white crust causing him to falter. The thin cotton caparison that he wore as his only protection was torn and puckered, partially from neat slashes and otherwise through small bloodied holes where it was hard to tell at what point the edges of singed fabric stopped and his open wounds began. Blood freely ran down his flank, dripping and leaving an ever growing spotted trail back to where his journey began.

Another traveler appeared from the snowstorm, riding south as fast as they could safely on the hazardous road. Before closing the distance enough to discern the horse and his package, the stranger raised his hand in greeting and tried to yell out something through the wind.

The horse, of course, did not reply.

When they were barely feet away, the blanket of white fading to nothing more than a swirl of grey, the rider noticeably flinched and pulled on the rein of his steed hard enough to yank it to the side of the road. The pair stood there, waiting. Watching. Not moving until they were once again lost within the snow.

The horse ignored them, continuing on his way.

Road turned to dirt, grass, and leaves. White and grey broke into greens, browns and blues but still the horse continued to force itself onward, ignoring the weight that caused him to still stumble over exposed branches that he would otherwise have deftly avoided at a full gallop. Injuries, the stillness on his back, and the long day were all taking its toll but still he pressed on as his goal was nearing. The undergrowth rustled all around, the branches above him creaked as many things unseen moved all around. They hissed.

The horse ignored them, knowing it was safe and continued on his way.

The forest grew silent again, everything living nearby long having learned that if it wanted to survive that it was best to never be seen or heard. Slowly, with every unsteady step, the air grew heavier and the green became more muted with grey. The sounds of life, the bustle of people and activity also began to pierce the gaps between the trees.

The horse continued, neither hurrying or slowing.

Abruptly, the towering shapes of trees ceased to exist, leaving nothing but an endless rolling mist. Vague shapes passed through the fog, others rose and sank on unseen tides. Cries began to ring out. They were tinged with alarm and shock, but not fear. Only now did the horse begin to slow, letting the weight of his long journey finally wash over him before finally collapsing and letting his burden sprawl from his back to lie on the ground.

His part was done.

(So. Not in the present, but something I could have imagined happened on occasions when I hit DEPART. Been threatening to write something like it for a while and finally gave in. Good Horse.)
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Re: A Lonely Ride

Post by Uyoku »

I'm glad you finally did write this. What a wonderful read!
[GMCHAT - Developer Jirato (Discord)]: Sceptus Corvus, will it blend? *cheesy music plays*

[CHAT - Developer Jirato]: I don't know who you are, I don't know what you want. If you're looking for gear coins, I can tell you I don't have any. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you leave the cats alone, that'll be the end of it, I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will nerf you.
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Re: A Lonely Ride

Post by Xanthe »

Ruin is the Best horsie.
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Re: A Lonely Ride

Post by xavier »

I have to agree, spectacular. Thank you for sharing Dorn.
Rain falls steadily to the earth.
The gore has been washed from you.
The blood has been washed from you.
You are splattered with gore!
Rain falls steadily to the earth.
The gore has been washed from you.
The blood has been washed from you.
You are splattered with gore!
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Re: A Lonely Ride

Post by Alila »

[ESP-GRAY - Amaranth-Purple]: Yew should always respect your Alders. If you do, you'll do Oak kay. If you don't, they might kick your, um... Ash.
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Re: A Lonely Ride

Post by Dorn »

Ruin is the best horse. Glad you guys liked it.

Thanks to someone who gave it a once over before and helped me polish it just a little. I would mention who they are, but they'd enjoy that too much.
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Re: A Lonely Ride

Post by Rias »

This was an awesome read! Ruin really is the best horse. I'd love to read more stuff like this, both from Dorn and other players. It's great to enjoy the writer's talent and see a glimpse of their characters through their own writing, and a bit more selfishly, I just love seeing people appreciate this world enough to want to write something that takes place in it.

P.S. I'm going to write the fanfic version where Dorn rises as an Ondjord.
The lore compels me!
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