December 2018 Patreon Funds

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December 2018 Patreon Funds

Post by Jirato »

To any current or future patrons, I just wanted to disclose this for transparency so theres no concerns of misappropriation or anything. I will be paying for the server costs 100% out of pocket this coming month and will be distributing anything earned from the next Patreon payment equally among GM team members, excluding myself. They have all worked tremendously hard this past year and deserve a little thanks for their efforts.

For any who wish to alter or add a pledge, please visit our patreon page on Please note that cards are charged at the beginning of the month, so make sure to have your pledges where you want by tomorrow night.

Thank you to all of our players, patron or otherwise, for your support in CLOK. Just having folks playing and showing interest is great, and anything else is icing on the cake.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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