Grum Festival 1218!

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Grum Festival 1218!

Post by Mirazia »

The wagons are rolling, the horses are fed and the chatter is lively. The 1218 Grum Festival is on route to set up this year!

Estimated time of their arrival is Citisday, 14th Day of Aprilius and they plan to stay until the 28th Day.

(The Grum Festival will run from April 14th this year until the 28th Make notes in your calenders!)
A greater lich looks over the posts on a large post board.

(Samani practically snarls as she consumes her flapjacks in one go.)

Dark powers surround Noctere and he brings forth his hands to summon... to summon... TO SUMMON!...
a handful of popcorn which appear on the ground with a slight POOF sound. Then Noctere leaves.
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Re: Grum Festival 1218!

Post by Mirazia »

The notices are up, folk have arrived to set up the area.

Rumor has it the Grummers are extending their stay to 6th day of May, as well as an auction of curios and fancifuls.
A greater lich looks over the posts on a large post board.

(Samani practically snarls as she consumes her flapjacks in one go.)

Dark powers surround Noctere and he brings forth his hands to summon... to summon... TO SUMMON!...
a handful of popcorn which appear on the ground with a slight POOF sound. Then Noctere leaves.
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Re: Grum Festival 1218! Merchant Appearances

Post by Mirazia »

So the festival has been up for a week now. Let's talk merchants.

Monday, Khata will make an appearance to adjust your linens and clothes. (I am hoping 4pm server time for this.)
Wednesday, the metallurgist Leif will show in his wagon to alter weapons, armor and anything metal. He will not be providing new weapons or armor, only alterations.
Friday will be Alois, the sadistic tattooist for all your body-art desires.

I cannot give exact times at this moment, due to RL being up and down, but I will aim to annonce them at least 2 hours before they appear on the day. Also, these are only who I plan to bring. Others on the team have different merchants as well that thay plan to bring!
A greater lich looks over the posts on a large post board.

(Samani practically snarls as she consumes her flapjacks in one go.)

Dark powers surround Noctere and he brings forth his hands to summon... to summon... TO SUMMON!...
a handful of popcorn which appear on the ground with a slight POOF sound. Then Noctere leaves.
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Re: Grum Festival 1218!

Post by Lucius »

This was quite enjoyable. Everybody bundled together in one area proved for some interesting conversation, and we even had a rather unexpected guest that put a twist to things.

Thanks for your time spent doing these little things, they have really helped to bring people together. Looking forward to the next!
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Re: Grum Festival 1218!

Post by Uyoku »

Speaking of merchants let me chime in with a tentative schedule myself!

Expect a visit from Walden the charm crafter to be set up at the campfire at the festival starting around 2 PM server time today. Come with an idea of a custom one-of-a-kind charm you want made please so I can get to as many of you as possible!

Thursday except the glass maker Harrie to offer his wares starting at 2 PM server time in his pavilion. This ranges widely from glass figurines to mirrors, to containers, hanging sun catchers, etc. Come prepared with your ideas and plenty of riln, depending on what you want it may cost a lot!

Friday I hope to bring Trixie around to help Alois with the tattoo work, we'll see how our schedules mesh for that!

I'll try and bring these folks around earlier in the morning over the weekend for those in other parts of the world, but this is currently a wait and see with real life being a bit hectic and unpredictable at the moment!

Time permitting there may be a few others popping in, I'll do my best to announce in game or here to give people plenty of time before I plan to run things. Like Mirazia I'll try and give at least a two hour notice if not longer.

Thanks guys!
[GMCHAT - Developer Jirato (Discord)]: Sceptus Corvus, will it blend? *cheesy music plays*

[CHAT - Developer Jirato]: I don't know who you are, I don't know what you want. If you're looking for gear coins, I can tell you I don't have any. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you leave the cats alone, that'll be the end of it, I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will nerf you.
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Re: Grum Festival 1218!

Post by Jirato »

I hope everyone had fun. The festival is now officially closed. Those of you who logged out in the festival grounds should find yourselves in the wilderness upon next login.

Thank you everyone who participated in this year's Grum Festival. A huge thanks to all the GMs who organized the merchants, spiffed up the rooms, and organized everything, and a big thanks to all the players that checked it out and made it feel like our time invested in it was worthwhile. I hope everyone enjoys all the new goodies from this year, such as those really cool saddlebags and horse accessories. Three items were awarded from this year's auction. The winners should find their items in the mail, and money has already been withdrawn from the appropriate bank accounts.

Looking forward to the next festival.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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