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Post by Rias »

Thanks to all who participated in tonight's gripping game of Ding. I had a lot of fun. I'm considering getting a bunch of questions ready beforehand so when I can't ad-lib something quickly on the fly, I can just draw from those questions and keep the pace up.

For those who missed it, Ding isn't much more than a simple CLOK trivia game played over chat. Explore the lands and read up on that lore so you can answer questions the fastest to earn OOC fame and glory.

Tonight's final scores:
Helenna: 5 Dings
Incognito: 5 Dings
Spearhead: 3 Dings
Akila: 2.5 Dings

Disclaimer: All lore questions and answers are assuming IC lore/knowledge, which means they may not be completely or even remotely true when it comes to the Real and Pure Truth of Secret Lore. Mortal knowledge is far from perfect!
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Re: Ding!

Post by artus »

And all of the fun stuff went on while i was asleep...sad me.:p
I'll try try try to not miss it next time. That is, if this monday doesn't say my final fate.
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Re: Ding!

Post by jilliana »

It was fun. :)

It has been great seeing you on chat, Rias, and learning new lore and remembering old. It was certainly a challenge. I have yet more questions about Faewyr and other things when you are up to clarifying or making things up on the fly. :)
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Re: Ding!

Post by Rias »

Round 2 final scores:
Artus: 4.5 Dings
Marauder: 2 Dings
Jubjub: 1.5 Dings
Perth: 1 Ding

Trivia of the Day: The "rooks" of Rook Parlour are referring to the kind of bird. The chess piece of the same name does not appear in Rook Parlour symbolism or lore at all (unless it was added after my retirement, in which case someone feel free to correct me)
The lore compels me!
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