New professions?

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New professions?

Post by Jirato »

Considering adding a new profession or two after I finish fixing player mines. Anything in particular you guys would like to see?

Also, any existing professions you feel need more love?
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
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Re: New professions?

Post by Jirato »

Note that I'm asking about non-magical professions. So Alchemy is not really on the list of considerations at this exact moment.

Also, yes, I know "All of them!" is going to be the majority answer when I ask which existing professions need more love, but if you had to pick one that you felt needed it the most, which would it be?
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
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Re: New professions?

Post by Uyoku »

This GM suggests Pottery, possibly knapping can be extended to allow for some small trinket stone cutting or sculpture making?
Wood carving different beads in addition to trinkets that can be hung on necklaces.
Carpentry - Possibility of crafting handcarts or wagons
Blacksmithing general- new things sugh as axel bolts or something for said wagons or handcarts. Usable horseshoes for horses.
Leatherworking - Saddle making or similar horse things.

Just my thoughts, this is also extremely exciting.
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Re: New professions?

Post by vidor »

Some sort of farm theft prevention would be great. Makes that more desireable.
Making new generalized abilities for woodworking and adding an extra GA point so we have twenty?
Also, in wooden objects, can we get the wood type in the item name? So instead of "an exquisite quarterstaff" we see "an exquisite redwood quarterstaff?"
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Re: New professions?

Post by Moon_Dew »

A sharpness system for bladed weapons and tools, separate from the item's general condition (the item condition being whether or not the blade has any nicks in it, and the sharpness being a gauge of how sharp or dull the blade is; even a blade that's about to break can be as sharp as a razor, whitest even the most durable sword needs to be sharpened every so often. And in crafting, a sharp blade could mean the difference between doing a good job or a lousy one, and using a dull blade could result in injury.)

An idea for immersion would be the ability for clothing and armor to get dirty and smelly, the same way as PCs, with a system to wash and polish them. Soap for cleaning in general. Also, how dirty you are can effect your health, increasing the likelihood of sickness in general, and increasing the chance any wounds inflicted upon you will end up infected.

A system for gas masks (from something as simple as a rag wrapped around your mouth and nose, to as kooky as the traditional bird masks of plague doctors, to as advanced as some of the earliest real life gas masks.) for use in mining (to protect from suffocation damage from gas leaks, and even to protect from black lung from coal mining), leatherworking (leatherworking often involves noxious fumes), some forms of clothing making (especially haberdashery, which involved the use of mercury in the early days, leading to the rise of the expression "mad as a hatter".), and travel through areas or fighting creatures infested with resen spores (considering this is CLOK's equivalent of the real world Black Plague, it's a wonder why I haven't seen plague doctors yet.)
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Re: New professions?

Post by Vestyn »

I've personally been warring between herbalism and blacksmithing. It takes forever to get anywhere with Blacksmithging and I personally love the sharpness idea suggested, but I think my love of said profession is going to have to take a back seat to:
Herbalism. It would be nice to be able to create pastes that you can apply to bandages. Perhaps it can give pottery a boost, too.
*you craft jars
*you mix herbs in bowl/morter.
*You transfer moreter contents to jar/jars.

This would allow for a few quick mixes out in the field, or perhaps with a larger station you can make several jars at once. If you had some downtime, then, maybe with a timed action similar to farming you can make the mixes stronger with attention and care. I don't know how herbs work, I just cover my chicken with them :)

This way, you don't have to wonder "What color was this poultice again/crap I typed bandaged me and used my last poultice of doom or whatever." Also you can make morters/jars carvable,skulptable/forgable (we all want a use for pewter).

If you really want to get carried away, make it have to be brewed/managed for more than just "poultice make 104" and bam. If you let it sit or steep or ferment you can make better ointments. It would also allow for skilled herbalists to create tinctures that can be consumed to cure things like, say, infections from dirty people getting cliced across the face and the blood of the wild getting into it: go horrid infections.
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Re: New professions?

Post by Moon_Dew »

Speaking of herbalism, perhaps an option for late-game herbalists would be the ability to brew healing potions? The first ones brewable being only able to slowly heal light injuries over time, with the later, more advanced potions able to heal more severe wounds, sometimes instantly. Of course, to balance this, the ingredients required would be super rare, and perhaps even impossible without certain abilities.
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Re: New professions?

Post by Bryce »

My vote's for brewing. Not alchemy or herbalism, just brewing drinks. Beer, tea, juice, all the refreshing beveragey goodness.
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Re: New professions?

Post by Jaster »


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Re: New professions?

Post by Lun »

Swimming expanded would be nice. Dive zones, underwater pearl diving, musseling and etc would be nice. I can't imagine underwater combat ever being a thing, but I'd like it if swimming, diving, and underwater hunting and an expansion to wilderness to permit travel across rivers via skillful diving and swimming/boating would be nice.
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Re: New professions?

Post by artus »

My thoughts would go pretty much into cooking/brewing/bakering. I love seeing fancy food and drinks around, lol. Making use of some useless vegies like cabbages, wheat and hops would be nice too, and turnip.
Sometimes, I don't even know if an itemm is herb or spice, lol.
It would also be cool to see that all flavored meat and fish are not "spiced". Sometimes I just add salt, but it says spiced. How could it be "spiced" anyway? lol.

Pottery can be a thing, since it's already half done, and a couple things I can't yet come up could be added for carpentry or woodcarving, a wooden flute, some bowed and strung instruments, using both woodwork and music combined...but that's not the main thing I think I'd like to focus...cause, like vestyn said, "the last poultice of doom" issue is really annoying when you can't identify what is what. So, even if you're not yet for alchemy, do something about it please? The poultice list thingy is what I currently live it, but it sure could be nice if it's less generic. "Oh, I just learnt how to make poultices...." poultice list pretty much tells you everything. I like Vun's herb experimenting idea, actually. You try something out, you see the result which tells you what you really made, not just a random poultice you don't even know what for. This makes it possible for vi players to come up with the herb laboratory idea ic, and start experimenting by themselves. If you find good stuff, you can record it in the poultice list instead of making a notepad file full of a hundred recipes.
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Re: New professions?

Post by preiman »

I’d love to be able to use herbalism to make consumable cures and poisons. Some of our already existing herbs are actually mildly poisonous.
Gun smithing would make me happy, but might settle for the ability to craft powder and shot and make repairs
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Re: New professions?

Post by jilliana »

I love the ideas of brewing and pottery. Pottery was supposed to have been completed some years ago and then it sort of just poofed away.

I hope the new professions or progress on professions aren't based on artison skills. It's sort of frustrating to want to be good at something and only know that the only way you can be reasonable at it is if you're an artison.

I think some things need some cool add-ons. Carpentry and leather-making could use things like studs and metal accent to make it truly unique and pretty.
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