Militia and Outiders - What's the difference?

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Militia and Outiders - What's the difference?

Post by Teek »

Been having a vigorous discussion about both Shadgard organizations, and I finally decided it's best to be clear on it. They both seem too similar! What is the difference between them, if anything? They both seem like they would basically do the same thing, for the same reason. The only difference I see is in the slightly more brutal flavor of the Outrider, contrasting with a more defensive minded Militia. It seems a bit odd to have 2 groups doing basically the same thing, honestly.
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Re: Militia and Outiders - What's the difference?

Post by Dorn »

I'd imagine the main thing is that the Militia are defensive really. If someone attacks, they'll handle it and deal with it, but they're not going to go storming across Aetgard after someone. If they come back into the territory though, they'll be dealt with. On the other hand, the Outriders are going to follow said person all the way that they can and bring them back, dead probably.
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Re: Militia and Outiders - What's the difference?

Post by gralkik »

First off. the militia is about the defense of Shadgard and Shadgard's interests. It is an organization like posted on another thread that is RP based, seeing to the well being of Shadgard. The Outriders, are an Organization that pursues criminal offenders of Shadgard, well beyond the walls of Shadgard, to execute justice upon them. In the words of Elystole,
Elystole wrote:... An Outrider isn't defined by their abilities. They are defined by their willingness to chase scumbags clear across the map and put them in the ground.
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Re: Militia and Outiders - What's the difference?

Post by Teek »

Using the recent Horse theft as an example...what how would both groups handle the situation differently? It seems both would track down the thief, find the horses, etc. The only difference being that the Outriders would also make sure to put a bullet in the head of the thieves, while the militia might consider just reclaiming the horses and it being a job well done.

It just seems they are either two similar organizations with different methods of obtaining the same result, or two organizations that are quite different and have different goals all around. It just seems like anything an Outrider could do, a Militia could do, and vice versa. If thats the case, then..whats the point? I just think it needs to be fleshed out a bit more. What prevents a guy from sticking a militia badge on with an outrider badge next to it? If there is none, then...why have separate organizations to begin with?
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Re: Militia and Outiders - What's the difference?

Post by Rias »

Outriders: An independent group of individuals based in Shadgard. They track people down and shoot them dead because they think those people should be dead. More than willing to do their work despite and even against decisions or measures the town law settles on. Not officially sanctioned by Shadgard leadership or law, these are freelance vigilantes. In general, the citizens support them, even if they think Outriders can be a bit scary and over-extreme.

Militia: Defending the town and, in the case of the Coydogs unit specifically, looking to the town's safety interests in matters that extend beyond the town borders. Sanctioned by the town of Shadgard, and thus have a responsibility to abide by the town's rules when acting in an official capacity (if the town/law specifies anything - this doesn't mean they shouldn't act without asking the Militia Captain or Sheriff for an okay first). These are not manhunting vigilantes, though they may occasionally track down Shadgard offenders beyond the canyon as well to try and bring them to justice (which doesn't always involve shooting the offenders, but well may).

What's the point of having both? Because some people want to be man-hunting vigilantes who are happy to act above/despite any laws, while others want to be defenders of the town and help serve justice without being violent manhunting extremists.

That said, Outriders is pretty much defunct as far as PCs are concerned, and I'm pretty okay with that.
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Re: Militia and Outiders - What's the difference?

Post by gralkik »

Thanks for clearing it up really well, Rias! That's what I thought, too.
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Re: Militia and Outiders - What's the difference?

Post by Teek »

Just an idea..but, considering the outriders are pretty much defunct according to what Rias stated, why not merge the organizations somewhat? As far as I'm aware, there was really only one active Outrider, who has stated he left the game. This leave whatever outrider resources there was just floating in the wind. Instead of letting them go to waste, I suggest utilizing them in a different form. Perhaps the outrider room in the hearth and home could be expanded to include militia, or militia with a certain amount of experience under them

Just a thought. I hate seeing things go to waste, and I figure it's easier to use what you have instead of make something new.
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Re: Militia and Outiders - What's the difference?

Post by Jirato »

They 're really apples and oranges in my book. I'd rather see it kept separate. Just because there aren't any active Outrider players now doesn't mean there never will be. And we've always got NPCs for events and stuff.
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