Mistral Lake Clothes!

Built on a lake, shrouded in unnatural fog, and under the law and protection of the mysterious Mistveil Keep.
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Mistral Lake Clothes!

Post by Rias »

Me: You know, the clothing shop in Mistral really needs an overhaul.
Me: But you're terrible at designing clothes - especially womens' clothes.
Me: Too true, too true. Wait, I know: let's ask the kids at home for help!

(Turns to the audience)

So! Now's your chance to get some of your clothing designs added to a shop in the game! Erm, OOCly. It's not like your character submitted the design, this is just an opportunity for you as a player. There will likely be 2 shops: One for the well-to-do citizens with EXPENSIVE clothes (and actually expensive, not "100 riln" expensive), and one for the common rabble with plain, utilitarian, common clothes.

Submit designs to rias@contrarium.net. Send as many ideas as you like! The more submissions I get, the less work I have to do. Mistral has come into a bit of extra wealth lately (Why? Speculate!) so they'll likely have a lot of different materials available to them via the Trade Coalition, so go crazy-go-nuts with ideas. But nothing silly, like royal gowns and crowns and stuff, because if the Keep saw some citizen waltzing around dressed as royalty, they'd likely get jealous, and you know what happens when the Keep gets upset. Remember Odette's address to the people? Yeah, me too. Good times.

Readyyyyy ... GO!
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Re: Mistral Lake Clothes!

Post by Rias »

Psst. Hey. I need more stuff, unless you all want boring, bland clothes!
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Re: Mistral Lake Clothes!

Post by Bryce »

A white curly powdered wig.
ask jes for date
The horse thief Jessie doesn't seem too interested in talking about that.
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