Knapping: Starting with Nothing

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Knapping: Starting with Nothing

Post by Elystole »

Right now, according to the wiki at least, you need a hammer or hatchet to get started. This doesn't work well if you're in one of those genuine, "I just got dropped in the woods with nothing" survival scenarios. If we don't want to make it so that all knapping (or just flint knapping) can be done without a tool, can we at least be able to make a genuine "handaxe" (may need to call it something else) with nothing but flint and a good stone to get started?

I'm talking about this sort of handaxe:

And here's a video of a guy making one using a rock:
Okay, he uses a little hammer at the end to make it easier, but you can see that he can do it with just a rock.
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Re: Knapping: Starting with Nothing

Post by Lacie »

You can use flint to knap flint, IIRC.
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Re: Knapping: Starting with Nothing

Post by Kunren »

Lacie wrote:You can use flint to knap flint, IIRC.
You can? Epic, must try. I usually just rely on wood stuff in this sort of scenario, but being able to knap certainly increases options.
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Re: Knapping: Starting with Nothing

Post by Lysse »

Correct. You can use flint to knap flint into something else, including a knife or a hammer head. And I THINK you can use quartz for the same, but I'm not sure. But quartz has to be mined.
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Re: Knapping: Starting with Nothing

Post by Elystole »

Thank you for the quick replies. Not only was I wrong, but I posted it in the wrong forum!

Now to just find some flint...
You overhear the following rumor:
"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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