Taureka and the Spores

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Taureka and the Spores

Post by River »

Jaster and I set out on a task tonight to help find a cure for the infested Taurekan's. We are thankful the the struggling infected that helped us start this journey. Bless her.
---Also, I can kill you with my brain.
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Post by River »

here's what happened tonight when Jaster and I spoke to Ahuil this evening

(there was a meeting earlier today but I did not keep a record of its' discussions and so someone else with have to fill in the middle part here-basically Lalora, Acarin, Lacie, Collins, and Myself spoke with Ohtli who is an "expert" on the spores for the Tse Gaiyan guild. We were joined partway through by Evrek as well. We learned that the spores originated from another land (the land Ohtli came from). There main purpose is to create a climate that is ideal for the to live in (humid/hot). They don't have to hosts off of others but they can. They are not fans of cold. if the inhabit an area long enough they will change its' climate. They don't like the cold. They can burrow into the earth if they need to for warmth to survive. Herbs have not worked to cure the spores nor has anything the monks have done. We seemed to agree that all of our guilds will need to work together to solve this problem. We did learn that the Taureka infestation is just an appendage to the main group of the infestation. Some wanted to burn Taureka down but others were opposed. It was decided that those of us who knew people who were infested but fighting it would try and speak to them and gain more knowledge about the main colony etc)

***First person in the following is River***

You say, "Greetings Ahuil."

The infested scavenger Ahuil asks, "How'd your little experiment go?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil squints at you.

You say, "My guild master is still working on that but there was a meeting today."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods.

You say, "Several of us from different guilds spoke with an "expert" of the spores at the tse whatever guild...i can't say the name."

The infested scavenger Ahuil asks, "Learn anything interesting?"

You say, "We learned many things...most importantly that this infestation in Taureka is just a branch of the main colony."

You say, "To get rid of it we have to hit the source."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods.

You say, "Are you aware of any of this."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "If they didn't have more people coming here, you people probably would have near cleared out the town by now."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "I spoke to someone else about it, once."

You nod.

You ask, "Really?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "More people show up, coming from the northwest road."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Probably aren't a whole lot of native Taruekans left in town, at this point."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Those warlords got rid of most of them during their little power plays."

You ask, "What warlords?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "A few girls have come to talk to me before. I can't remember which it was I told."

You ask, "Lacie?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Her, or the bear-woman."

Jaster says, "Infested Warlords, they would lead attacks of the infested on Shadgard."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods to Jaster.

You say, "Ok."

The infested scavenger Ahuil asks, "Did you see what happened to the last one that tried to lead an attack?"

You shake your head.

Jaster shrugs.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Go take a peek in the town square sometime."

Jaster asks, "Which town square?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Guess the others didn't like what he did, making another attack."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "The local one. Inside Tarueka, next to the inn."

Jaster nods.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "It was relatively quiet, after the first few invasions."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "But then the one warlord got too impatient and led another attack."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Anyway. I doubt that's what you came here to talk about."

You say, "It is interesting to know."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "They don't all get along, that much we know."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "I think there's a lot of power struggles amongst the leadership around here."

You say, "Makes sense-it tends to happen with power."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "I don't know much more than what I can guess by observing them, though. They don't speak their plans out loud, most of the time."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Except the loud and impatient ones. The ones who end up being warlords."

You say, "This is good to know."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "I'm glad most, if not all, of them are dead."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Things are always worse around here when one of them is itching to try something."

Jaster says, "It's good to hear there are few remaining."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "They come looking to recruit for their hordes, and people like me have to lay real low or we'll get either drafted, or discovered."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "I don't think they get what's really going on, though."

You say, "Just acting like puppets doing what they're told."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "The opposite, I think."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "They're acting independently."

You say, "Makes sense."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "That's what I've come to think, after I saw what they did to the last one that tried to lead an invasion."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "He came back from it alive. He didn't get a warm welcome."

You ask, "Is he still living?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "No, but they sure did draw it out."

Jaster says, "He probably got what he deserved."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods to Jaster.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Too independent, breaking the quiet, wasting resources."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "That's probably how they saw it."

Jaster says, "So there is a majority who wants things done one way."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods.

Jaster says, "And they don't like it when someone steps out."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "The quiet ones."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Once one gets real talkative, but doesn't seem interested in resisting the influence."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "They end up dead, one way or another, eventually."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "It's kind of like an insect colony, I guess. They've got some other way of communicating. And they all act for a common purpose, without indepdent needs or desires."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Because like I said. Once one starts talking and acting in his own interests, they don't last long."

Jaster asks, "And those are the ones that become Warlords?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Or like them. That's right."

Jaster asks, "So is it even in the interest of the majority to invade Shadgard?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "I don't know. Since I resist the influences of the spores, I assume I'm cutting myself off from their communication."

Jaster nods.

You say, "I would assume the interest and command for that would come from the main body not from some break off warlord then."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "That'd be my guess."

You say, "They are just placed for when the main is ready to move."

Jaster says, "Right.. the Warlords are the impatient ones."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "The types like the warlords can be useful to them for commanding large attack forces."

You say, "If the listen to those commanding them instead of doing their own thing."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "But they tend to get too impatient and independent once they realize they have power, I think."

You nod.

Jaster says, "Then when there is a legitimate organized attack against Shadgard.. it will be probably be massive."

You nod to Jaster.

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods.

Jaster frowns.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "I'd be surprised if they made a serious organized attack, though."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "At least, not soon. It's much too cold there."

Jaster nods.

Jaster says, "For now, at least."

You say, "We learned today that their ultimate goal is to create their perfect warm/humid environmen."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods to you.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Probably."

You say, "But they probably aren't moving fast on it...just pacing it and slowly moving forward."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods to you.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "You know now what happens to the impatient ones."

You nod.

the infested scavenger Ahuil stands up.

the infested scavenger Ahuil walks over to a copper-banded wooden barrel.

the infested scavenger Ahuil removes some emberberries from a copper-banded wooden barrel.

the infested scavenger Ahuil sits down.

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a bite of his emberberries, finishing it off.

You say, "Ah emberberries."

You say, "I believe those help you resist the spores."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "It's a brief but welcome respite."

You say, "I'll make you a pie sometime."

You smile.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "The only way I can describe it is a sort of ... cold feeling, spreading through the mind."

Jaster says, "They apparently help with drunkeness too."

You say, "Would you like to know what we've thought of or plan to do."

The infested scavenger Ahuil shrugs.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Wouldn't hurt to know."

You say, "There were some who just wanted to burn taureka to the ground."

You say, "But that wouldn't solve the problem."

You say, "We also discussed failed methods that have been used in the past with herbs and God etc."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "It's been a long time since anyone around here capable of hoping has had any hope that there'd be more to life than scavenging for edibles and hoping not to get caught."

You say, "Can't be all that enjoyable."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "It's been nice to have visitors recently. Even if it increases risk."

You say, "Are you hopeful that we can help."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Not really."

You say, "I think at least in the last day we've shown some of our dedication to you."

the infested scavenger Ahuil shakes his head.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "But if there's a chance, I won't reject it."

The infested scavenger Ahuil shrugs.

You say, "Well we've decided that we're going to have to work together-all of us, regardless of our guilds or whatever to take this one."

You say, "Sorry on."

You say, "We understand that cryomancy will be something we'll need to use."

You say, "But we still have a lot to learn and discover starting with where the main colony is but you've given us some direction there."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "These people certainly don't like the cold. That could be useful, I suppose."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "I'd bet it's somewhere northwest of here."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "That's where the reinforcements always come from."

You say, "You said they come from the northwest road."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods to you.

You nod.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "But I've never gone beyond Tarueka."

You say, "Do you know of anyone who has."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Terrible as it is here, we've agreed not to leave. Wouldn't want to spread our misery to other people."

You nod.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "And we'd probably be killed on sight, anyway."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "We're actually more protected around here."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Don't know of anyone who resists that's left."

You nod.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "And ever come back, anyway."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Guess I wouldn't, if I found somewhere else to live."

The infested scavenger Ahuil chuckles.

You say, "You've been so helpful."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "You can bring me some good town food to thank me."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Just leave it in the barrel if I'm not around."

You say, "I'll gladly do that."

Jaster asks, "What would you prefer to have?"

Jaster smiles.

You say, "I have some farn's beer here if you'd like some."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Strong drinks aren't good."

You ask, "Pie?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "They loosen the grip on the mind, and that'll make it harder to resist the influence of the spores."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "PIe is always good. And non-alcoholic drinks."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "The murky water around here isn't the most refreshing."

You say, "Keep it-I will bring more."

The infested scavenger Ahuil sniffs at the contents of the tankard.

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Mmmm."

You say, "Agreed. Some of my favorite."

The infested scavenger Ahuil leans back against the barrel, his eyes closed a moment.

You say, "Better than this water though."

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

Speaking to you, the infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Thank you."

You nod to the infested scavenger Ahuil.

You say, "You are most welcome."

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Oh."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Fish."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "If you can cook fish, bring some of that."

You say, "You like fish? not a problem."

Jaster says, "I used to be quite the fisherman."

You say, "I think Jaster here can wrangle up some for you."

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods to Jaster.

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

You ask, "Do you like cheese?"

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods to you.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Anything that isn't dirty roots or mushrooms."

You say, "Hopefully our food will help you in your fight and give you a respite if even just for a brief while."

Jaster laughs softly.

The infested scavenger Ahuil nods to you.

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

You say, "Is there anything else we can do for you before we go."

the infested scavenger Ahuil shakes his head.

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

the infested scavenger Ahuil takes a drink from his pewter tankard.

the infested scavenger Ahuil offers to give you a pewter tankard.

You put a pewter tankard into your backpack.

You say, "I will bring you more."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "That'd be great."

The infested scavenger Ahuil stretches out on the floor.

the infested scavenger Ahuil lies down.

You say, "We'll let you rest."

Jaster nods.

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "Have a good night."

Jaster says, "Stay safe, Ahuil."

The infested scavenger Ahuil says, "I have so far."

Jaster nods to the infested scavenger Ahuil.

You say, "Likwise."
---Also, I can kill you with my brain.
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Post by Alexander »

The account of events is very much appreciated. While not wanting to intrude on the specialty of others in these matters, it is good to be kept informed.
(Alexander clenches a fist momentarily, then stops and calms himself with visible effort.)
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