charm bags and candles!

A group of storytellers, musicians, performers, magicians!
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Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:23 pm

charm bags and candles!

Post by criticalfault »

It would be super cool if there was charm bags to be sold to mummers so we could fill them with herbs, gems, etc for folk magic-y kind of prospects. Traditionally the Romani called these bags "Bujos" but we can call them charm bags. Just little belt worn dealies that can hold very small amounts (say 3 to 13 or 21) herbs !

It would also be amazing if we could buy various colored and shaped candles in our shop to give to clients for folk magic-y practices for those looking for the "gypsy" magic to work!

Could help us do all kinds of fun RP and get people to seek us out for our mystical know how!

Jhordon -(Struck by lightning)
Cigano - (Friends on the other side)
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