Actived Combat Abilities Review

Mercenaries of the Western Coalition, specializing in nonmagical combat and tactics.
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Actived Combat Abilities Review

Post by Methiur »

Adrenaline Rush - Rithiel mentioned this becoming an activated ability and I wholeheartedly agree with that. Here is my idea for this:
Immediate effects (2 minutes - prolonged by combat)
* Immunity to death
* Massive energy boost
* Lowered RT
* Increased combat statistics
Post adrenal effects (15 minutes)
* Shown as "Your vision is blurred and are significantly tired"
* Decreased perception, combat skills
* Increased food demand
* Increased RT
Cool down (20 minutes)
* Shown as "You feel slightly off, drained of emotion"

Flurry (formerly Spin) - No change in how it operates. Just a name that might fit better with the guild.

Subdue - Brawling, Hafted, Staff ability. If landed drains energy from the opponent.
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Re: Actived Combat Abilities Review

Post by Rias »

Usual disclaimer: I'm not the Mercenary guru, these are just my personal opinions.

Adrenal Rush: When you say immunity to death, I'm assuming that means immune to death via energy loss (which I think is neat) and not due to "wound death" in a vital body area. A pulped head is a pulped head. What about adding stun resistance to the mix? And/or have it so when you activate the ability, it breaks you out of stuns, and can possibly break out of other adverse effects like webbing or being encased in ice (based on a roll), and leaping to your feet if you're prone at the time of activation. I like the concept of the post-adrenal effects, add some cons to the pros making it an ability that you actually weigh before using, rather than just constantly using it because you can. It'd work as a great "oh crap" maneuver to get out of serious binds.

Flurry rename: The term "spin attack" has always bothered me when there doesn't seem to be much spinny about it. Great suggestion.

Subdue: Intended to be useful for knocking people out without risk of killing them, I assume? Good for bounties that require capture instead of killing. I'll probably steal the idea for Templar. I'd think polearms would be another good candidate weapon type, and don't forget that swords have pommels! Maybe less effective than the other weapon types for this technique, but it'd be cool if it was still posible.
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Re: Actived Combat Abilities Review

Post by Rias »

Another idea to add to Adrenal Rush: Reduce penalties due to wounds (dodge penalty for feet/legs, attack penalty for arm/hand wounds). Not feeling the pain so much when you're in an adrenal rush, right?
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Re: Actived Combat Abilities Review

Post by Methiur »

Doh, thought I had replied last night.

Yes, on the subdue and great thinking for including weapons. Using the pommel definitely works for swords and daggers. Personally I think this would be a universal skill for everyone. Mercs, Templars, Udemi though might get bonuses or have some extra tricks though.

Yes also on the Adrenal Rush prevent death from exhaustion / bleeding but not from missing vital components. I was thinking along the same lines and reserving it for when you're in a serious bind. Stun resistance and movement benefits are also good ideas for inclusion. I'd think the post adrenal affects would then also provide penalties to those for the trade off.
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