
Mercenaries of the Western Coalition, specializing in nonmagical combat and tactics.
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Post by Methiur »

Okay, I am a fighter through and through and what I think we've been missing are some battle cries. Check out this wiki page:

So what I am thinking are battle cries that buff both the Mercenary and those in their party specifically wither they are being led or vice vercas. I think this could include proficiencies to:

Defense (Dodge)
Defense (parry / block)
Defense (protection from fear)
Defense (energy regeneration / possibly very minuscule healing effects to keep someone on the verge from passing)
Defense (damage absorption / taking less damage from attacks or magic that pierce the defenses)
Offense (melee)
Offense (ranged)

Eh, eh, what do you think? This could be expanded upon or condensed and the actual cry names would need to be lore/clok centric. I think that would make this class top notch.
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Re: Battlecry

Post by Rias »

You're just jealous of Dwaedn shouts and Templar chants!

Sorry, I've got nothing useful to say on the subject. Mercenaries aren't my guild.
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Re: Battlecry

Post by Methiur »

lol. I have no idea what other guilds have actually since I haven't played them and I am generally off on my own. Hmmmm I guess if you don't want to have too much of the same they could just be self buffs running off our inner fire or concentration?
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Re: Battlecry

Post by Lysse »

Methiur wrote:lol. I have no idea what other guilds have actually since I haven't played them and I am generally off on my own. Hmmmm I guess if you don't want to have too much of the same they could just be self buffs running off our inner fire or concentration?
That's pretty much what the Dwaedn Wyr already have, shouts that buff themselves up. What your proposing sounds a little too 'mystical' to really fit in with the Mercenaries, at least from my point of view.
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Re: Battlecry

Post by Methiur »

Yeah, I actually retract the suggestion. I totally want to warrior it out but the class abilities are kind of boring and one note.

Are there any items on the docket for merc updates? Should I just keep posting things that pop into my head and see what sticks? :)
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Re: Battlecry

Post by Baylee »

I don't think you should retract the suggestion. I think something like this would work particularly well for buffing a party. Look at it like this: mercenaries are experienced soldiers that know how the morale of comrades can affect the outcome of a battle, thus they can release shouts of encouragement to increase morale. The increase in morale can buff party abilities temporarily. It makes sense.
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Re: Battlecry

Post by jilliana »

That's the thing. There are already chants from Templar to boost morale, give temperary group buffs, Templar-to-Templar benefits, among other things.
Although it would be amusing to see Spearhead and Kent letting rip with a battlecry during an event, it doesn't really seem to fit the "mercenary" image. At this point it would look like a copycat thing since like Rias said, Dwaedn and Templar have their battle rituals going already.
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Re: Battlecry

Post by Rithiel »

One or two guilds having a certain ability doesn't mean that other guilds can't. We have some whole guilds that are nothing but copied over abilities.

That said, it doesn't really fit mercenaries. I have plans on changing adrenaline rush so that it's an active with cooldown ability, instead of the passive one that it currently is, and change the way it works, but I think that's the closest mercs will get to shouts. I don't see them as an inspiring guild, rather as brutally efficient. And while they might have some berserker-like abilities, dwaedn shouts won't really fit in.

There are a few things I have in mind for mercenaries, but unfortunately it's hard to come up with combat abilities that are in line with the whole brutally efficient idea that aren't absurdly OP. So if you have ideas, feel free to keep posting them, but don't necessarily expect feedback on them (from me, you guys should discuss them all you want).

The way me working on a guild usually goes is I get it in my mind to work on something, and then I go through the boards and look for suggestions. Until then, I read through these sorts of posts, but often forget about them until I actually want something to work on. So don't feel like an ignored post is completely ignored, I guess is what I'm saying.
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Re: Battlecry

Post by Methiur »

Cool, I've been kicking around some ideas and I'll make some posts.
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