Ideas for New Dwaedn Wyr Abilities

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Ideas for New Dwaedn Wyr Abilities

Post by Reynard »

Feral Persistence
Passively increases chance to engage your target and decreases enemies' chance to break engagement or flee.
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Post by Deraxian »

It sounds like a good start. Not having enemies break engagement can be a good thing (as long as it doesn't conflict with Mighty Roar. Sometimes you WANT enemies to flee).

I'm not sure if it's enough for an ability point though. Maybe if it had some other function as well?
Last edited by Deraxian on Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Isiaa »

Feral persistence causes the warrior to continue fighting long(relatively) after another would have given up.
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Post by Reynard »

Yeah, I had the same concern. Right now it's only good against enemies that are trying to flee, and ranged weapon enemies. (Enemies fleeing is a big problem for archers. Not so sure about you melee folk.) Might be more useful if/when being hit starts being a bigger problem for channeling.

If that's still not enough, maybe marginally decrease penalties from wounds? (Accuracy decreases from wounded arms, for example.)

Oh, for those who weren't aware, Feral Persistence as stated above is basically inverse Guerilla Tactics.
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Post by Deraxian »

I like the idea of an ability to mitigate wound penalties while also making it harder for enemies from breaking combat.

It's just that hindering breaking engagement by itself doesn't seem that great by itself. Maybe it's because we have so many knockdowns already that I haven't had to deal with it being a major issue yet. Typically the stuff I fight is too busy falling all over the place to run away. Admittedly, I have not had the pleasure of facing ranged opponents yet though.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

Wolf's Bite

Prerequisite Skills:
Brawling: 50

When calling upon the power of the Wolf Spirit, we are able to strike quickly and latch onto an opponent with our jaws, both crushing our enemy's bones and tearing their skin.

When a Dwaedn Wyr uses this ability, they perform a biting attack. It's a single, fairly high damaging attack based on brawling that both crushes the affected spot, as well as ripping through the skin, by giving the Dwaedn a stronger jaw, and sharper bite, temporarily.

Mechanic Notes
This would essentially be a single attack instead of two attacks, dealing crushing and piercing damage, and based on Brawling just like Bear Claw. However, where it differs is that the damage it does against an armored individual is much lower. To compensate, it does more damage to the armor than a normal attack would.

Serpent’s Squeeze

Prerequisite Skills:
Brawling: 75

It is easy to focus on the bear and wolf, because they are animals closer to most Dwaedn Wyr’s mindset. However, there is merit in learning to fight as a snake. There are tales of giant serpents in the lands of the Huec that constrict their prey to death. By calling upon the power of the Serpent, the Dwaedn can grapple with a foe, squeezing them to death

When a Dwaedn Wyr uses this ability, they perform a standard grapple. However, instead of throwing a person to the ground, they wrap their arms around a person and begin to crush them to death, though it can sometimes be easy to escape their clutches after initially being grappled.

Mechanic Notes
So, this would basically be activated by a special command just like Bear Claw. Once the attack is initiated, it would start out as a standard grapple. However, it would not prone anyone. Instead it would cause suffocation damage over time, as well as crushing damage to the chest, every X ticks. At every X ticks as well, there would be a new check to see if the target escapes. The target gets a bonus to escaping every check. The target would be unable to perform any actions while constricted.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

Hammer Toss

There is a fine art to unarmed combat, involving precise strikes, and deadly accuracy. However, we throw that out the door at Dwaedn Vil. Literally. We hurl the 'finely honed murder machines' at each other, turning their deadly accuracy and precise strikes into flailing missiles. This works equally well with tin cans like Mercenaries or Templars. And let me tell you, you do NOT want to get hit by six feet of a steel covered body.

Prerequisite Abilities:
Mighty Throw
Bear's Strength
Prerequisite Skills:
Brawling: 75
Melee: 75
Hurl Weapon: 25

Mechanic Notes

This idea just sort of came to me suddenly while thinking of another idea for the Dwaedn. It's a little complicated, but I think could potentially be a lot of fun. The general/basic concept is that the Dwaedn picks up an enemy, and uses them as a hurling weapon. WHen two or more enemies are in a room, the Dwaedn initiates a combat roll aganst one of them. If successful, the Dwaedn then spins around before hurling the enemy into another enemy. The heavier the armor of the 'hurled' character is, the more damage they do.

There is, however, a potential alternative to this ability. A character that is in the same group as the Dwaedn can willingly be thrown in place of an enemy. This gives the 'thrown' character a bonus to damage similar to if they had charged on a war horse, but with a limited cap to the bonus as there is only so much a person can do while hurtling through the air.
Last edited by KianTheArcher on Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jirato »

So what you're saying is you want Evelyn to be able to pick you up and throw you at an enemy?

I don't know what to say... "I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff" or "I didn't know you two had that kind of relationship"...

Also, the mental image is hilarious.

Still, not that my opinion has any weight with this particular area of game design, but I really like that suggestion.
Last edited by Jirato on Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rithiel »

Awesome visual.

Also makes me think of The Incredibles.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

[quote=Jirato]So what you're saying is you want Evelyn to be able to pick you up and throw you at an enemy?[/quote]

Of course not! Kian is an archer.

I want Evelyn to throw someone not so squishy at people.
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Post by Rithiel »

I may make this ability just to see Evelyn throw Spearhead at somebody.
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Post by Slaidh »

Can we get something similar to Blade Slap? Dwaedn Wyr have a lot of focus on brawling, at least one ability requires both hands empty (mighty throw), but we give up a lot in the way of defense by utilizing it. Maybe something based on Serpent, giving us the speed and reflex to strike blows out of the way with our hands. Or a preemptive strike, like if you see someone about to attack, you give a quick weak punch to distract them from following through with the attack. Someone else can probably come up with something better, but some kind of unarmed defense would be nice in addition to dodge.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

Unshakable Fury

The Dwaedn Wyr are known for their stubborn attitudes, and their dismissal of magic as being "for pansies". As such, when they work themselves into a battle frenzy they can sometimes shrug off magical effects that would leave others on the ground or in a daze.

Battle Fury

Passive when under the influence of Battle Fury

This is a kind of a rough idea, but the general concept was that while a Dwaedn Wyr is in a Battle Fury state, they have an increased chance to resist certain debuffs and effects. Things like mystical fear effects (such as from spells or even the Shouts of other Dwaedn) have less of a chance of working on them, as would other mental spells such as the Words Mummers have access to, possibly including Mindfog (this could work as lowering the skill penalty cap from 50% to perhas 30%, rather than just giving the a way to resist it). It could also effect spells such as Metabolic Englaciation that are designed to deal low to no damage, but act as crowd control.
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Post by Acarin »

This ability seems rather defensive for a Dwaedn...
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Post by KianTheArcher »

Arrow deflection seems rather defensive for the Claw of Shar, but the Dwaedn Wyr have minor defensive abilities. Considering the nature of the Dwaedn Wyr, I think it would fit in theme with the guild, seeing as it would offer minor defenses to mental assaults only when under the influence of their Battle Fury. This is, at least partially, balanced by the fact that they must spend a guild ability point on something that has limited use, and could be further balanced by making it so that buffs from an outer source (such as Templar chants) wouldn't work when Battle Fury was up.

Instead of just straight out saying the idea is bad, you could try offering alternatives or explaining your stand point. It makes for a better forum community.
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Post by Blitz »

[quote=Jirato]So what you're saying is you want Evelyn to be able to pick you up and throw you at an enemy?[/quote]

This reminds me of my first session of DnD with the group I'm playing with now... I played a goblin who managed to get a feat which causes him to increase 2 size categories when he enters a fit of rage. He also had access to a feat which allowed him to use anything (ANYTHING!) as a thrown weapon.

The very first session, our party was walking through a tunnel when a dragon ambushed us and nearly killed me in a single turn. This ticked me off, so I picked up the first thing I had in reach (an allied druid, shapeshifted into some huge tree with tentacles) and threw it at the dragon. I missed (rolled a 1...) but hilarity ensued. =D

Needless to say, I'm 100% in favor of tossing things not meant to be tossed.
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Post by Makkah »


Fastball special.
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