Rolling changelog, updated immediately whenever a changelog entry is made. If the info here looks old, it might be cached in your browser. Try refreshing the page.

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  • 09/12/24 Combat: Weapon parry modifiers now affect parry rerolls rather than die sides. (Some weapon types are still impossible to parry with.)
  • 09/12/24 Mobs: Bile wights have grown frustrated at the ineffectiveness of punching at their foes and have returned to casting scary spells once again.
  • 09/12/24 Mobs: Forest wyrms once again have higher skill levels to better fit their area.
  • 09/12/24 Mobs: Several special ranged attacks used by mobs (fire breath, acid spit, blood shard, etc.) will now have more reasonable offense numbers relative to the mob's skill level.
  • 09/11/24 Mobs: Several common-spawning mobs that had significantly lower dodge than their offense, or no dodge at all, have been updated to have a dodge skill matching their offense.
  • 09/11/24 Combat: Fixed a bug that was causing landed attacks to not always have their results based on the highest rolled defense.
  • 09/11/24 Combat: Fixed a bug that was causing standard attack roll numbers to be shown when the ShowRolls option was toggled off.
  • 09/11/24 Combat: Standard attack rolls will once again show the roll results instead of just the number of die sides.
  • 09/10/24 Shadgard: More Shadgard NPCs will now move around town according to their daily schedules. (Off-duty guards will report to their posts during invasions if they are within town at the time of invasion.)
  • 09/10/24 Combat: The ARM, UNSHEATHE, and GIRD commands can now also remove worn ranged weapons and ready them in hand. (If no default weapon is set, melee weapons will still be preferred over worn ranged weapons.)
  • 09/07/24 Outposts: When an invasion strikes an outpost, any NPCs within the outpost who are set up as invasion responders (and awake) will now automatically move to the outpost's defensive positions according to their preferred combat type (melee or ranged).
  • 09/03/24 Mobs: Mobs that have been wounded or are unable to regenerate missing energy will now eventually despawn or be restored to full health/energy (depending on various circumstances) when left alone.
  • 09/02/24 Combat: An attack being intercepted by a guard will no longer change the attacker's set target to the guard instead of the intended target being guarded.
  • 09/02/24 Combat: When a character intercepts an attack on someone else they are GUARDing, the intercepting guard's Dodge defense will once again be ignored.
  • 09/02/24 Map: The path leading to Dwaedn Vil has been significantly expanded.
  • 09/02/24 Map: Much of the empty barrens on the southwest edge of the map are now impassible mountains, and the forests of the Abneridge Foothills have expanded out a bit, at points into the Stirling Expanse.
  • 09/02/24 Map: The glyphs used to represent the edges of the wilderness map are now asterisks rather than the default mountain glyph, hopefully dispelling the mistaken notion that the wilderness is surrounded by a rectangle of mountains.
  • 09/01/24 Bugxifex: Attempting to PULL a previously-concealed necklace-slot item while not wearing any garment to conceal it under no longer results in an error, but instead toggles whether the item will be concealed the next time a potential necklace-concealing garment in worn.

  • 08/31/24 Combat: When defending against ranged attacks, shields with an inherent block bonus will now have twice their inherent bonus and an additional +1 reroll.
  • 08/31/24 Combat: Shield reroll bonuses have been adjusted to grant partial rerolls: Standard/Round/Heater shields: 0.2, Kite/Tower shields: 0.4. (Bucklers have no inherent reroll bonus.)
  • 08/31/24 Combat: Defense against standard combat attacks will once again roll all relevant forms of defense (Dodge, Block, and Parry), rather than only whichever had the highest number of die sides.
  • 08/29/24 Death: Being revived after a death now causes the revived character to suffer a temporary Death Sickness effect that limits energy regeneration, as well as the Lethargy effect which increases any roundtime experienced.
  • 08/26/24 Website: The changelog can now be found on the game's website at:
  • 08/26/24 Skills: If a character practices a skill up to the skill cap and the skill still had some training practice remaining, the training will now automatically be removed instead of needing to be manually abandoned.
  • 08/26/24 Skills: Character skills will no longer sometimes practice up slightly above the skill cap. Any that had done so in the past have been reduced to the flat skill cap number (removing any decimal places).
  • 08/13/24 Weather: When a character is out in the rain and wearing a waterproof garment in the cloak/robe/coat slot, if the garment is not hooded or coweled then an additional check will be made to see whether a waterproof garment (or protective headgear) is worn on the head.
  • 08/13/24 Mobs: Some critters will now seek shelter indoors and refuse to go outside during bad weather.
  • 08/13/24 Mounts: If a mount's owner dies and the mount is not already stabled somewhere, the mount will now automatically go to either the last stables it was stabled at, or a fallback friendly stables if the last stables the mount was at has become unfriendly to the owner for some reason.
  • 08/13/24 Skills: Skillgain bonuses will now be applied after the skillgain-per-action cap is applied, rather than before. This means that skillgain bonuses such as those from receiving skill training or an RPA can now cause the amount of skillgain for performing an action to be higher than the standard skillgain-per-action cap rather than be nullified by it.
  • 08/13/24 Skills: RPAs (Roleplay Awards, all types) will now grant bonuses to skillgains rather than the obsolete experience system. This bonus stacks with training skillgain bonuses.
  • 08/12/24 Shadgard: The mountain man Stian has been spending more time in the Lost Ranger lately, and may be convinced to pass on some of the skills he's honed while mountaineering.
  • 08/12/24 Shadgard: Three new trainers have arrived at the Shadgard Militia Barracks to offer training in various combat skills. (Aelwyn is no longer raising eyebrows by providing combat training in a chapel.)
  • 08/12/24 Corvus: Corvites may now access the west wall battlements via the Southwest Tower near the barracks.
  • 08/09/24 General: Damaged barriers (such as town gates) can now be REPAIRed by characters with at least 100 Construction skill (or 100 Carpentry skill for legacy characters that have it). Higher skill yields higher chances of greater progress per repetition.
  • 08/09/24 General: Attackable barriers (such as town gates) will now show their current durability state in their short description and output of the EXAMINE command just like other items with durability. Once completely broken open, these barriers will also display as "inoperable" and will not be able to be closed by any means until they have been restored to 100% durability via repairs.
  • 08/08/24 Morale: SPLASHing (without a target) in shallow or deep water, DIVE-ing into or under deep water, or SWIMming around idly (without a target/destination) in deep water will now grant a little morale boost when done outdoors in weather that is "warm" or hotter. (The different activities do not stack.)
  • 08/08/24 Spam Reduction: Besieged barriers will now only output messaging on the other side of the barrier every 15 seconds or when the barrier's durability has been reduced past specified thresholds.
  • 08/07/24 Characters: It is no longer possible to log in as a character on an account that has active characters with access to both Shadgard and Corvus. The shelve command can be used to temporarily shelve a character so they don't get considered for this restriction.
  • 08/07/24 Corvus: Fixed a bug with a ladder leading to an outdated version of the crypt.
  • 08/06/24 Inn Rooms: It is once again possible to specify a number when renting an inn room to request multiple days. For example, to rent a room for 5 days, one would type: RENT ROOM 5. If the total requested (plus any current days already rented) is greater than the maximum number of days allowed, the requested number of days will be lowered to an amount that would equal the maximum.
  • 08/06/24 Corvus: There is now a post board in the Corvus market.
  • 08/06/24 Mobs: Hidden foxes have calmed down a bit and will no longer reveal their own position by barking at themselves.
  • 08/03/24 Mining: Fixed a bug that was causing high-skill mining to go extremely fast and actually regenerate energy. (Further tweaks to come.)
  • 08/01/24 Immortals: Updated help/wiki article: Vandin
  • 08/01/24 Immortals: New help/wiki article: Iarel

  • 07/30/24 Hunting: When HUNTing for wildlife, different creatures can now have different ranges of time taken to track down, with smaller creatures typically taking less time and larger creatures typically taking more.
  • 07/30/24 Woodworking: Items carved from wood that previously resulted in leftover components no longer do so, instead producing multiples of the carved item.
  • 07/29/24 Areas: All previously HUNTable wilderness wildlife has been restored.
  • 07/29/24 Wilderness: Traveling the wilderness on an empty stomach now causes a penalty to morale and incurs extra traveltime.
  • 07/29/24 Items: Pistol-type items now have a standardized weight and all such items will now properly fit in pistol holsters.
  • 07/28/24 Inventory: Items worn in the "thigh" slot will now be concealed by items worn in the "robe" or "skirt" slots.
  • 07/28/24 Mobs: Mobs that were previously made into minions of another character but have since regained their autonomy will now despawn after a time.
  • 07/28/24 Mobs: Minions will no longer count toward an area's maximum number of spawned mobs.
  • 07/24/24 Corvus Outpost: Combat trainers can now be found in the training room west of the Corvus Barracks entry.
  • 07/22/24 General: The GM (or GMS) command can now also be used to list current GameMasters on staff and a summary of their roles. (Alias for the GURU command.)
  • 07/20/24 Abilities: Legacy abilities that are not currently implemented have been removed from player characters. Characters will have the opportunity to learn them again when the abilities are re-implemented.
  • 07/20/24 Mobs: Red and azure drakes now have a stunning roar, reminiscent of their old roar attack.
  • 07/19/24 Skills: It is no longer possible to get skillgains in OOC areas.
  • 07/19/24 General: Characters will no longer get hungry from regenerating energy in OOC areas.
  • 07/19/24 General: Shelved characters will now log in to a special OOC room called The Shelf so their players can look over their various gear and stats and such, and can even interact with others who may also be in said OOC area.
  • 07/19/24 Metaprefixes: New metaprefix option: defeat. When on, the text ::DEFEAT:: will precede the messaging when a character in the room is defeated/killed.
  • 07/18/24 Policy: The game's privacy policy can now be viewed in-game via HELP PRIVACY POLICY or via the "Privacy Policy" document on the game wiki.
  • 07/18/24 Policy: Game policies can now be viewed in-game via the POLICY (or HELP POLICY) command, or via the "Policy" document on the game wiki.
  • 07/17/24 General: The AFK command will now also send a message to any group members not in the same room.
  • 07/16/24 General: The TELL command now requires the target's full account or character name to be provided, no longer working on partial matches.
  • 07/16/24 Elemancers: The obsolete warmth-emitting occult diagrams scattered about the University of Elemancy have been replaced with more lore-appropriate pyrosphere cages.
  • 07/15/24 Metalworking: New metal bladed weapon component recipe: sabre blade
  • 07/15/24 Mining: Rooms that are about to experience a cave-in will now have some messaging indicative of such in the room look.
  • 07/15/24 Mining: The noise from cave-ins can now be heard from adjacent rooms.
  • 07/13/24 Weapons: Bows and crossbows with a stave made of hickory now enjoy a slight material-based damage and durability bonus (and are no longer bugged).
  • 07/10/24 General: It is now possible to specify a tone in whispers with the # symbol. Example: whisper bob #excitedly I got it! (Note: Others in the room will also see the tone of the whisper.)
  • 07/09/24 Mining: Making progress while mining now involves a slight skill challenge, providing more consistent skillgain opportunities at low skill levels.
  • 07/07/24 Fishing: It is now possible to FISH in wilderness rooms adjacent to an ocean wilderness tile.
  • 07/06/24 Loot: Strikes by NPCs (including minions, mounts, etc.) that are less-skilled than any PCs who struck a mob will no longer contribute to pushing up the challenge-based loot formula when looting mobs.
  • 07/04/24 Options: New option: OccupantFriends. When toggled on, the player will see friend levels of anyone they have friended in the room occupants list. Type OPTION OCCUPANTFRIENDS to toggle the option.
  • 07/04/24 General: The NAME command can now only be used on PCs or one's own mounts. Alternate names given this way will show up after the target's coded name instead of replacing it.

  • 06/27/24 General: If an account is not yet logged in as a character and attempts to chat one of that account's character names, the chat will not go through and the player will be encouraged to use the LOGIN command.
  • 06/25/24 General: LOOKing at soap will now show how many uses the soap has left.
  • 06/25/24 Combat: Weapons that have been reduced to 0% durability (broken) will no longer function as weapons at all until repaired.
  • 06/25/24 Skills: The SKILL ABANDON command will now list which skills are currently being trained/practiced if no skill is specified.
  • 06/25/24 Combat: Weight encumbrance now affects defense rerolls rather than defense die sides.
  • 06/21/24 Elemancer: The Acid Jet elemental channel combination is functional once again.
  • 06/20/24 Combat: Additional strikes from multi-strike attacks now enjoy some bonus rerolls to hit after a successful initial strike, and no longer suffer any damage reduction from being additional strikes.
  • 06/20/24 Combat: Attacks that can have multiple strikes no longer have extra strike opportunities if the initial strike is dodged, blocked, or parried.
  • 06/20/24 Combat: Attacks that can have multiple strikes now only cause a single instance of skillgain and energy loss for the entire attack, and the messaging for the additional strikes is now less verbose.
  • 06/20/24 General: Broken portals will now show as "broken open" instead of just "open".
  • 06/20/24 Rook Parlour: Rooks with the Soul Retrieval ability will now have an additional familiar subcommand, FAMILIAR DEATHKNELL. This can be used to have the familiar sense the locations of corpses whose souls have recently triggered the Deathknell.
  • 06/20/24 Death: The crystal ball items that can be found within Twilight Eye Services offices can now be peered at in order to scry the locations of any corpses whose souls have recently triggered the Deathknell.
  • 06/20/24 Esp: Fixed a bug that was causing characters set to ignore the Gray channel to still see Gray channel activity. (Output of the TUNE command will note if a character is ignoring the Gray channel.)
  • 06/19/24 Skills: It is now possible to use the SKILL TRAINING (or SKILL STUDYING) command to see which skills a character is currently training.
  • 06/19/24 Skills: It is now possible to use the SKILL ABANDON command to abandon the training of a particular skill.
  • 06/19/24 Mysterious: A certain trophy alcove has been restored to a certain guild rumored to possibly exist.
  • 06/18/24 Bugfixes: Fixed a bug that made it impossible for the NOMINATE command to target characters by their coded name if they hadn't also been added to the nominator's personal names list.
  • 06/18/24 Options: The new PCShortDescs option (off by default) can now be toggled on to see the short description of player characters after their name in room occupant listings.
  • 06/17/24 Crafting: Legacy crafting marks have been updated to display properly with the newer crafting mark system. Some have been adjusted slightly in order to fit with the standard "The item is branded with" beginning text.
  • 06/16/24 Corvus Outpost: Private rooms can now be rented at the Corvus Barracks and Murky's Pub.
  • 06/16/24 Mobs: Various mobs have regained their venomous attacks.
  • 06/16/24 Mobs: Basilisks have regained their piercing gaze ability.
  • 06/15/24 Rook Parlour: The Command Nethrim spell is once again functional.
  • 06/15/24 Templar: Templar with the Sacred Chants ability, Serafina's Blessing ability, and at least 200 Thaumaturgy skill can can once again use the Lightbearer chant to briefly increase their Thaumaturgy skill and heal moderate wounds during the duration.
  • 06/15/24 Templar: Templar with the Serafina's Blessing ability can once again heal minor wounds instead of just slight wounds.
  • 06/15/24 Templar: Templar can once again stable their mounts free of charge at the Shadgard stables.
  • 06/15/24 Magic: Magical channels with visual indicators will now also display a message when the channel is no longer active and the conjurations around the hands disappear.
  • 06/15/24 Elemancer: Channeling pyromancy will now automatically apply an effect that provides a slight amount of light due to the sparks around the channeler's hands. The effect will drop automatically when pyromancy is no longer being channeled.
  • 06/15/24 Magic: The legacy channel preparation text has been restored for Pyromancy, Hydromancy, Aeromancy, Geomancy, Cryomancy, and Druidry.
  • 06/15/24 Mounts: When using their hoof kick attack, horses that are wearing horseshoes will now enjoy any material-based properties of their horseshoes as part of the attack.
  • 06/15/24 Storage: Fixed a bug that was causing party members to immediately get kicked out of the locker area when following the group leader.
  • 06/14/24 General: Morale rerolls are now displayed by simply being added to the total rerolls in messaging rather than being displayed separately in square brackets. (Enable the ShowProcs option to see indicators of when morale is affecting your rolls.)
  • 06/14/24 Combat: While a target is already under attack, additional attacks on the target will contribute to the Flanking effect which pushes down defense rerolls. Take care when fighting multiple foes!
  • 06/14/24 Mobs: Fixed a bug that was causing various mobs to not have any skill specific to the weapons they were wielding.
  • 06/13/24 Mail: It is now possible to specify a name from the public mailbox directory with the MAIL command in order to send mail to that name's associated mailbox number. For example, if a character named Pat had opted in to the public mailbox directory, then anyone could simply type MAIL PAT from a post office instead of needing to provide Pat's specific mailbox number.
  • 06/13/24 General: The MAIL DIRECTORY (or MAIL DIR) command can now be used in post offices to toggle whether one's name and mailbox are listed in the public mailbox directory, or to view or search the directory. Character mailboxes are unlisted by default.
  • 06/12/24 Factions: Fixed a bug that was allowing new characters to be able to enter the Corvus Outpost unhindered.
  • 06/12/24 Mobs: Fixed a bug that was causing fleeing mobs to not have their loot potential reduced when their attackers were considerably higher-skilled.
  • 06/05/24 Mobs: The denizens of all Tanglewood zones have been reverted to their much higher legacy skill levels. Beware!
  • 06/05/24 Combat: To only see potential rolls info from the COMBAT command, one can now type: COMBAT ROLLS
  • 06/05/24 Combat: The COMBAT command will now display rolls based on the items held in the character's hands. The output will no longer include rolls not applicable to currently-held items (block roll without a shield, ranged roll without ranged weapon, parry roll with a weapon that cannot parry, etc). It will also attempt to report potential problems with the character's current situation, such as holding a weapon that requires two hands to use but not having a free off-hand to properly wield it with.
  • 06/05/24 Combat: Standard parry effectiveness is once again based on 100% of the skill associated with the held weapon plus 25% Melee skill, rather than being based entirely on the Melee skill.
  • 06/04/24 General: It is now possible to target items in one's own inventory in conditions of zero visibility. Getting a candle out of one's own backpack in complete darkness, for instance.
  • 06/02/24 Materials: Items made of nethrium are once again impossible to pick up by characters that do not meet the material's requirements, and weapons made of nethrium once again have a chance for their special flares on striking.
  • 06/01/24 Mobs: Mobs with powerful wings can once again stir up blasts of wind to knock down their foes.

  • 05/31/24 Mobs: Fixed a bug that was preventing some mobs from spitting acid.
  • 05/31/24 Skills: Fixed a bug that prevented legacy characters from having their Woodworking skill ranks.
  • 05/31/24 Areas: The old clearing on the south side of the Stone Canyon river has been replaced by a trail leading into the Leyndarmal Hills for a little more explorable area in the region.
  • 05/30/24 Materials: Fleece now has the same material properties as wool.
  • 05/30/24 Materials: Moonsilver now has durability comparable to steel while being slightly sharper and lighter.
  • 05/30/24 General: NPC repairs should now be able to handle any item made of a material that the facility handles (metal at a smithy, cloth at a weaver, etc.) and will use a fallback cost if the item type is not a standard recognized type.
  • 05/30/24 Areas: Fixed a bug that was causing the Tarueka Environs area to sometimes be left empty of mobs.
  • 05/29/24 Thaumaturgy: Thaumaturgy raw casts are working once again, and can treat frostbite and fractures as well as flesh wounds. They now require a specific target rather than auto-targeting (defaulting to self if no target specified) and will auto-repeat until there is no treatable ailment or lack of energy remaining on the target.
  • 05/28/24 Combat: The CIRCLE command is disabled, pending a potential rework of its functionality.
  • 05/28/24 Abilities: The Feint move once again requires knowledge of the associated ability, has its effectiveness based entirely on the Melee skill, and causes the attacker to be flanking the target upon success rather than reducing balance.
  • 05/28/24 Abilities: The artifice-based PLANT and PALM commands once again require knowledge of their respective abilities to perform.
  • 05/28/24 Abilities: The effectiveness of the Tumble ability is once again based on the Dodge skill, and the TUMBLE command once again gets bad results for characters who do not know the ability.
  • 05/24/24 Bugfixes: Legacy-era bows, crossbow, and slings should now all function as ranged weapons.
  • 05/22/24 Elemancer: The Compression, Hydro-Freeze, and Hydro-Vibration patterns are once again functional.
  • 05/21/24 Bugfixes: Fixed a bug that was causing base skill ranks to be rounded down on certain events.
  • 05/20/24 Skills: Fixed a bug that caused asking for skill training to result in an error if the character didn't already have any knowledge of the specified skill.
  • 05/20/24 Skills: Asking NPCs about a skill will now prioritize asking for training in that skill if available from that NPC, rather than the NPC sharing their dialogue on a matching subject. (Be more specific to get their dialogue instead. For example, ask Ralston about "mining company" instead of just "mining" to get his dialogue rather than skill training.)
  • 05/18/24 Mobs: Writhing nether-morphs have been restored to their original (higher) skill levels. Beware!
  • 05/18/24 Combat: Cold damage once again causes flesh wounds isntead of frostbite only.
  • 05/17/24 General: The FRIENDS command is now functional. (Legacy characters have retained their old friend lists.)
  • 05/16/24 Corvus: The Corvus Outpost now has a Twilight Eye office offering aura services and item registration, south of the bank within the Citadel.
  • 05/15/24 Death: Bringing a player character corpse to any room marked with the "crypt" or "crypt conveyance" tag will automatically send the corpse to be interred in a crypt location that is accepting of that character, even if that is somewhere other than the room the corpse was taken to. Once a corpse is interred in a crypt, NPCs will automatically attempt to bring the character back to life by either Soul Beacon or Soul Retrieval, based on ritual type availability at that location and suitability of the corpse's soul. (NPCs will only attempt to revive a corpse if the player character is currently logged in.)
  • 05/15/24 Rook: The Soul Retrieval spell is once again functional, able to bring dead player characters back to life. It has received a slight lore update and no longer requires unguents. It can no longer be denied by the target.
  • 05/15/24 Monk: The Soul Beacon spell is once again functional, able to bring dead player characters back to life.