Introduce/Remember system

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Introduce/Remember system

Post by Keapon »

I mentioned this in OOC and was asked to post an explanation.
I've seen this a few different places.

PCs and even NPCs don't carry 'nametags'. When you see them you only see a short description. For PCs this is usually an 'attribute' or 2 followed by race. So you wouldn't seen Keapon, you'd see 'a scruffy, silver-haired grummer' or the like. These short descriptions are usually set by the player, like pick your 2 most prominent features at character creation. Eyes and Height. You see a short, blue-eyed nuum. Or just random, whatever.
In the room description un-indentified PCs are either listed as a different color or a different line as NPCs. Some MUDs don't do that. It's probably a little too extra complicated for some that way, but more 'realistic'.

So you come across some strange person and 'Introduce me'. You're character says something like 'Hello, I'm Keapon'. NPCs respond to this automatically if they have a name. Then you 'Remember <N/PC short desc> as <name>'. So 'remember scruffy gummer as Keapon' or 'remember scruffy grummer as That Moron. For NPCs, where I've seen it done, when you 'remember' them(at least using their real name) it also adds their title. 'remember hill folk as Joe' then the NPC shows up as 'Joe, the ArchWizard' to you.

Now this is where it gets interesting for RP. You don't have to use your 'real' name. You don't have to 'Introduce me' you can 'Introduce <name>'. Now you can use this to include your preferred title and add a surname, or you could use it for the obvious nefarious purposes.
For extra fun, make a pair of PCs that are identical twins. ;)

Also, in some places you have a memory limit based on some attribute or another. However I've mostly seen this done when you can 'remember' more than just people, such as bits of Lore. ID a magic sword then 'remember sword as Sword of Fire' then it shows up as Sword of Fire, but only to you. If you happen to come across an identical sword, that will also appear as Sword of Fire because you recognize it's just like yours. Naturally this 'remembering' identical items bit only applies to 'standard' items, not player-made, player-enchanted or otherwise custom not-spawned items. When you have too much stuff in your head you can always 'forget'.

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Post by Rias »

This is an interesting idea. Considering people should be roleplaying anyway and not assume they know someone's name without introductions, I don't feel it quite necessary (just like people have other OOC knowledge but shouldn't bring it in-character), but it could be fun. I do have a few reservations, such as:
Also here: A blue-eyed hillfolk and a blue-eyed hillfolk.

A blue-eyed hillfolk says, "Bob is a sucker!"

You say, "That wasn't nice!"

You kick a blue-eyed hillfolk!

A blue-eyed hillfolk says, "Ow, hey! It wasn't me, it was him!"

A blue-eyed hillfolk points at a blue-eyed hillfolk.

Speaking to a blue-eyed hillfolk, a blue-eyed hillfolk says, "Was not!"
Et cetera. I worry that the illogical confusion will be more mode-breaking than simply showing characters names and expecting players to be responsible for assuming they don't actually know the character's name until being properly introduced.

Being able to 'remember' NPCs under specific names would be interesting, though.

Anyway, I'll mull it all over and discuss with the other GMs.
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