Results of Town Hall Meeting 2/9/1225
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 5:28 pm
This past Lightsday, Februm the 9th, a group of concerned Shadgardians gathered together inside the Town Hall's meeting room, absent any official representatives, to discuss a number of concerns relative to the yet ongoing severe winter conditions plagueing the Central Lost Lands.
Though a number of topics were discussed at length throughout, concensus was reached, and rumors of their amassed opinion have begun to bleed through the discourse in local bars, workshops and streets, for better or for ill.
Topic I: Winter Weather Refugees
The Issue: Should Shadgard turn them away? Let them in? Prioritize who we let in?
The Concensus: None of the individuals assembled showed desire to turn away winter refugees seeking safety and solitude. Whether they're from Morhollow, The University, The Chapter House, or anywhere in between-- so long as They've been friends to Shadgard in the past, and there is a place for them, we should do our best to facilitate best we can.
Concerns: Supplies running dry more quickly, lack of space causing further cramped conditions, sickness as a result of cramped conditions and lackking resources, potential unrest as a result of overcrowding and shortage.
Topic II: Resources, Prioritization, and Distribution
The Issue: How do we prioritize what goes where, and who gets what? Do we put Shadgardians first? Outsiders? Workers?
The Concensus: After some debate, it was agreed that prioritization of either Shadgardians, or any one party over the other could be potentially problematic. As a result, prioritization efforts, in the opinion of those gathered, should be put toward those in most dire need first. Children, the elderly, families without support. After that, the able-bodied who are working to support the canyon and it's efforts in sustainability throughout the winter. Aside from that, resources should be distributed as widely and equally as possible, as to help support as many individuals as we can manage to support. Shadgard's strength is it's unity. If we stand together, we stand stronger.
Concerns: Resources running dry more quickly. There's only so much to go around, and only so much to salvage and retrieve. There's going to eventually be a breaking point, and it's hard to say where that breaking point is. The concerns here are much like the concerns listed in the first topic-- overcrowding, rising tensions with that overcrowding, and the struggles of scarcity.
The Issue: Fights have been occuring. Thefts of supplies, like fuel, food, and other needed resources. How should these issues be confronted?
The Concensus: After some debate, The assembled agreed that those found guilty of such actions as physical violence over winter supplies, theft of winter supplies, excessive hoarding of winter supplies, or facilitation thereof should be placed with no supply, without question, in the chill of the Shadgard Jailhouse for a full 24 bells to fully consider the gravity of their actions.
Upon first offense, they should not be placed upon the posters, or have any undue attention brought upon them, as it could cause further issues. But if they continue to behave in such a capacity, their actions should be made known publicly, their punishment should be more severe, and a last warning should be issued. Following this, further offenses will result in exile without supply.
Additionally, Any issue deemed severe enough to potentially warrant exile, extended imprisonment, or execution should be brought before a tribunal of concerned citizens and officials to vote upon their fate. (In ideal circumstances.). Let the perpetrator(s) defend themselves, if possible.
Concerns: Chaos if not handled properly. Breakdown of supply chain. Breakdown of crucial infrastructure as a result of need.
Zeldryn honestly says, "It was at that point where I mentioned that-- if welcomed into the canyon--
in exchange for our welcome, and our resources and facilities, that the members of the Wyrvardn
order would surely be willing to help with maintaining peace in the streets, if met with welcoming
arms as they have been in the past. And that the rangers and herbalists of the chapter house could
be extremely beneficial as scouts, hunters, gatherers, and healers. And the Elemancers-- could always use those big brains o' theirs to help distribute the heat and make improvements to our steamworks and steam system, maybe. They ain't no engineers, but. They're crafty, even if they just rig up something temporary."
Zeldryn honestly says, "We also briefly discussed the possibility of allowing-- not exiles, mind you
-- but potentially interested parties proven trustworthy to the canyon and it's interest temporary
haven in, say, the Hanged Man from time to time, should they continue to be a friend to Shadgard.
Seperate point entirely. But essentially-- it implies that we as a group are willing to hear out
outsiders, so long as they are willing to play ball with us and play carefully."
LASTLY: Two teams have been assembled. One for gathering, one for hunting and logging. Two folders are in the Hearth and Home Inn currently. One bound in cloth, one bound in leather. If you want to take part in gathering efforts-- peat, rimeveil, wheat, or the like, put your information in the cloth-bound folder. If you want to hunt for meat, or log, put your information in the leather-bound folder. This way, everyone knows who is doing what, and we can do our best to communicate with each other to make sure at least one of us are putting our best foot forward on any given day.
NOTE FOR CLARITY: The assembled also realized that they have no lawful decision making power, and that their opinions only hold as much weight as their own efforts. It was desired, however, that these opinions be expressed, if for no other reason that Shadgard's people, and it's leadership, consider the evaluations from our gathered perspective and come to conclusions all their own.
OOC NOTE: You can likely consider all of this as common information that's circulating around easily enough. Anyone could've walked into that meeting, and I might put physical copies of this in the community crate for people to peek at in character, as well. It can be generally assumed, as well, that some copy of this was forwarded to the town council for their potential viewing.
Though a number of topics were discussed at length throughout, concensus was reached, and rumors of their amassed opinion have begun to bleed through the discourse in local bars, workshops and streets, for better or for ill.
Topic I: Winter Weather Refugees
The Issue: Should Shadgard turn them away? Let them in? Prioritize who we let in?
The Concensus: None of the individuals assembled showed desire to turn away winter refugees seeking safety and solitude. Whether they're from Morhollow, The University, The Chapter House, or anywhere in between-- so long as They've been friends to Shadgard in the past, and there is a place for them, we should do our best to facilitate best we can.
Concerns: Supplies running dry more quickly, lack of space causing further cramped conditions, sickness as a result of cramped conditions and lackking resources, potential unrest as a result of overcrowding and shortage.
Topic II: Resources, Prioritization, and Distribution
The Issue: How do we prioritize what goes where, and who gets what? Do we put Shadgardians first? Outsiders? Workers?
The Concensus: After some debate, it was agreed that prioritization of either Shadgardians, or any one party over the other could be potentially problematic. As a result, prioritization efforts, in the opinion of those gathered, should be put toward those in most dire need first. Children, the elderly, families without support. After that, the able-bodied who are working to support the canyon and it's efforts in sustainability throughout the winter. Aside from that, resources should be distributed as widely and equally as possible, as to help support as many individuals as we can manage to support. Shadgard's strength is it's unity. If we stand together, we stand stronger.
Concerns: Resources running dry more quickly. There's only so much to go around, and only so much to salvage and retrieve. There's going to eventually be a breaking point, and it's hard to say where that breaking point is. The concerns here are much like the concerns listed in the first topic-- overcrowding, rising tensions with that overcrowding, and the struggles of scarcity.
The Issue: Fights have been occuring. Thefts of supplies, like fuel, food, and other needed resources. How should these issues be confronted?
The Concensus: After some debate, The assembled agreed that those found guilty of such actions as physical violence over winter supplies, theft of winter supplies, excessive hoarding of winter supplies, or facilitation thereof should be placed with no supply, without question, in the chill of the Shadgard Jailhouse for a full 24 bells to fully consider the gravity of their actions.
Upon first offense, they should not be placed upon the posters, or have any undue attention brought upon them, as it could cause further issues. But if they continue to behave in such a capacity, their actions should be made known publicly, their punishment should be more severe, and a last warning should be issued. Following this, further offenses will result in exile without supply.
Additionally, Any issue deemed severe enough to potentially warrant exile, extended imprisonment, or execution should be brought before a tribunal of concerned citizens and officials to vote upon their fate. (In ideal circumstances.). Let the perpetrator(s) defend themselves, if possible.
Concerns: Chaos if not handled properly. Breakdown of supply chain. Breakdown of crucial infrastructure as a result of need.
Zeldryn honestly says, "It was at that point where I mentioned that-- if welcomed into the canyon--
in exchange for our welcome, and our resources and facilities, that the members of the Wyrvardn
order would surely be willing to help with maintaining peace in the streets, if met with welcoming
arms as they have been in the past. And that the rangers and herbalists of the chapter house could
be extremely beneficial as scouts, hunters, gatherers, and healers. And the Elemancers-- could always use those big brains o' theirs to help distribute the heat and make improvements to our steamworks and steam system, maybe. They ain't no engineers, but. They're crafty, even if they just rig up something temporary."
Zeldryn honestly says, "We also briefly discussed the possibility of allowing-- not exiles, mind you
-- but potentially interested parties proven trustworthy to the canyon and it's interest temporary
haven in, say, the Hanged Man from time to time, should they continue to be a friend to Shadgard.
Seperate point entirely. But essentially-- it implies that we as a group are willing to hear out
outsiders, so long as they are willing to play ball with us and play carefully."
LASTLY: Two teams have been assembled. One for gathering, one for hunting and logging. Two folders are in the Hearth and Home Inn currently. One bound in cloth, one bound in leather. If you want to take part in gathering efforts-- peat, rimeveil, wheat, or the like, put your information in the cloth-bound folder. If you want to hunt for meat, or log, put your information in the leather-bound folder. This way, everyone knows who is doing what, and we can do our best to communicate with each other to make sure at least one of us are putting our best foot forward on any given day.
NOTE FOR CLARITY: The assembled also realized that they have no lawful decision making power, and that their opinions only hold as much weight as their own efforts. It was desired, however, that these opinions be expressed, if for no other reason that Shadgard's people, and it's leadership, consider the evaluations from our gathered perspective and come to conclusions all their own.
OOC NOTE: You can likely consider all of this as common information that's circulating around easily enough. Anyone could've walked into that meeting, and I might put physical copies of this in the community crate for people to peek at in character, as well. It can be generally assumed, as well, that some copy of this was forwarded to the town council for their potential viewing.