QOL: Occult List/Describe
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 8:05 am
A new command for quality of life purposes, syntax:
As default aliases.
It should return an alphabetized list of known spells available to the character with 'cast', including their number and default casting alias (or none, if none exist yet), such as:
And so on.
Following this trend, another new command for QOL purposes, syntax:
As default aliases and accepted arguments.
It should return a brief description of the spell and its intended function, for two reasons: To remind players of what the spell does if they've forgotten, and also to aid in the QA process of this 'alpha' phase of the game by communicating to players what spells should be doing, so that we can bug-report when they aren't.
Code: Select all
cast list
occult list
occult cast list
It should return an alphabetized list of known spells available to the character with 'cast', including their number and default casting alias (or none, if none exist yet), such as:
Code: Select all
Binding Tendril - cast ### - cast btend
Command Nethrim - cast 308 - none
Essence Leech - cast ### - cast eleech
Following this trend, another new command for QOL purposes, syntax:
Code: Select all
cast describe <name>
cast describe <number>
occult describe <name>
occult describe <number>
It should return a brief description of the spell and its intended function, for two reasons: To remind players of what the spell does if they've forgotten, and also to aid in the QA process of this 'alpha' phase of the game by communicating to players what spells should be doing, so that we can bug-report when they aren't.