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The University is taking on new students once again!

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:35 pm
by Rias
Per the changelog: "It is once again possible for characters to join the University of Elemancy as that character's guild choice! See the new "joining" section at the bottom of the "Elemancers" helpfile to get started."

There are still some abilities that need their functionality restored, and elemancy wands/staffs aren't working yet, but new characters can now join up and learn the various -mancy skills and some handy abilities to get started on their path toward elemental mastery. Be ready to pay attention when asking Olivia about joining; there will be a quiz! The initiation schpiel and quiz should help set a lot of things straight for people. I'm working on a way to be able to ask for a repeat of the schpiel and quiz for anyone who wants a refresher, and for legacy Elemancers who joined before this stuff was available and want to see what it's like.

As always, please report bugs or oddities or such via the BUG command in-game, and post feedback here in this thread!