On Alternative Factions, CvC, and Evil Characters
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:23 pm
There's been some discussion on the matters of alternative factions, CvC, and "evil" characters (and relatedly, town banishment) recently. The TL;DR is that we are going to be tamping down on support for all these things. The intent is to:
- Better foster a more cohesive community
- Allow for more streamlined development of both mechanics and events
- Make banishment meaningful and act as an actual deterrent to disruptive character behavior
1. On the general idea of having multiple fully-supported factions (facilities, trainers, guild access, shops, NPCs, events, etc).
The biggest issue with multiple fully-supported factions that has been apparent since it first became a thing in early CLOK is that it splits up the community. I saw this in the previous MUD I had played as more and more fully-featured towns were opened and the palyerbase fractured and spread out into small isolated communities that more or less wanted nothing to do with each other. For reasons unknown, Past Rias figured it wouldn't be as bad in my own game if I just kept it under tight control. To be fair, the additional factions in CLOK happened more organically as events were happening despite no initial plans to have them result in actual major player-joinable factions. In any case, I won't ramble further on this specific point as I've already done so plenty in the past.
Having multiple fully-supported factions also multiplies the required development, maintenance, and event effort from staff, all for disproportionate player-facing results - typically on behalf of one or two players that could be considered "regularly active" in these alternative factions. This in turn can often lead to resentment: If we do something for faction A, we hear "What about us in Faction B?" We do something for Faction B, and we'll get "What about us in Faction A?" Or "Why are you spending time on that faction when hardly anyone actually plays it?"
Running events in a setting with multiple individual factions is pretty much the worst, because you know right off the bat that there will be people in factions not specifically concerned with the event that won't care about them at all (and again, will resent staff effort being spent on them). There's also the goofiness of bending over backwards to try and always do events out in some neutral patch of ground in the wilderness for the sake of inclusiveness, instead of in the actual settlement where it would make far more sense to take place.
Something that might be less obvious is that running events with alternative factions that have some PCs involved can be tough, because it often involves waiting on those PCs to be around or to take a hook, potentially providing them with special tools or resources to participate in the event, etc. A lot of planned NPC action/events on the part of various factions have ended up just not happening because of stuff like this. There's a big risk of the GM planning the event running out of steam because it can be such a hassle sometimes to get all the stars to align just right. NOTE: This is not saying that specific players are at fault! Just that the logistics involved become more complicated when GMs want to try and rope in additional actual people (players) instead of just spawning and controlling a bunch of NPCs themselves.
Another issue of having multiple fully-supported player-joinable factions is that they are essentially viewed as safety nets for problematic behavior. Who cares if Faction A doesn't like what I'm doing? If they give me guff or banish me, I'll just move to Faction B. And if Faction B won't let me do what I want then fine, I'll burn that bridge as I move to Faction C. This in turn can potentially lead to a sense of entitlement, with players assuming they will always have a fully supported gameplay experience regardless of their character's behavior because they assume they'll always be given another faction/settlement to fall back on. It's a roundabout way of encouraging disruptive behavior due to a lack of meaningful consequence.
Yet another issue is the "grass is always greener" effect: A player may be feeling a bit bored with the status quo and decide hey, I'm going to have my character join a different faction now or "go evil" (or create a new character for that purpose) just to try and have some fresh experiences. This harms the community the player was previously a part of by removing them from it and, frankly, usually results in the player expressing regret about the decision later.
At the end of the day, I don't think this stuff is necessarily *insurmountable* (even if I have yet to see an example of it being pulled off particularly well). There may be ways to make the game work satisfactorily with multiple factions. But I honestly just don't want to do that. I don't want to "hire" and manage a huge number of staff to try and make that happen. I don't want the game to feel like a sprawling world with multiple towns and factions one can choose from and bounce between. I want the sense of scale and community in the game to be small, cozy, and unified. Small-town-like. I want a well-developed single town and a manageable number of associated well-fleshed-out NPCs that the playerbase can form meaningful opinions of and relationships with. I want to be able to focus and do things well and meaningfully with a single unified community. Quality over quantity.
2. On the support of "Evil" (and/or disruptive or hostile) characters, CvC, and Corvus
We've had some fun "evil" or at least "typically hostile to the main/default faction" characters in CLOK, helping drive interesting events and substantive conflict. I don't think touting equal support for this kind of thing as an available alternative and acceptable character path/playstyle is good for the game, though. There's the obvious issue of your average player not handling the playing of an "evil" character well, and assuming it just means being as generally offensive, disruptive, and murder-y as possible. The idea that there's an Evil Faction out there just waiting to embrace these types of characters, even if mistaken, greatly exacerbates this issue.
While there has absolutely been some fun and well-executed CvC in CLOK's history (though this will be contested by some as it's always going to be a controversial issue), more often than not it has gone poorly. It requires a lot of staff effort observing, investigating, and attempting to moderate, and even with moderation action it typically leaves at least one party upset, if not both.
I don't want to forbid CvC completely or put in a bunch of anti-CvC mechanics, but I do want to remove things that give a feeling of overall wide CvC encouragement as a primary part of the game. (I still think there's potential for designated CvC contested zones, still holding on to that dream! We'll see.)
Behavior that results in banishment from Shadgard (the main faction/town) is supposed to be a *bad* thing, not treated as an effective (or even required) gateway or stepping stone to joining a different faction. Having the Evil Faction out there makes players assume that banishment is no big deal, as the character can just join the evil faction if they get banished and they'll still have every comfort and convenience they could ever need to continue playing the game normally. That might arguably be a good thing if CLOK was made from the ground up to be a split good-versus-evil faction conflict game, but it wasn't.
Corvus was a fluke.
The original intent for Corvus by its creator, Landion, was as a set of connected combat zones full of spooky nethrim, and potentially a reocurring antagonist NPC named Sceptus who was based there. Due to unrelated player character events that were ongoing at the time, we thought: Hey, maybe a character or two that are well on their way to getting kicked out of Shadgard for their developing extreme eeeevilness could squat in these areas, neutral with the mobs there, so they have a place to chill. After all, we had done a similar type of thing before, for anyone who remembers Jaren, our first player-character antagonist who was too evil to live in Shadgard. This snowballed into Corvus becoming a more fully-featured "town", but even then it still had an event arc and potential ending: The Corvus Outpost was eventually besieged, the gates breached, the evil Sceptus was defeated, hooray! But we thought, hrm, having some baddies in a baddie town was kind of fun. Maybe we'll keep it going and see what happens. And it snowballed more, and became even more full-featured, and it even was a starting town choice for new characters for a while, no questions asked. In retrospect, I think after that siege and defeat of Sceptus it should have ended up close to the original intent: a bunch of nethrim-infested outpost combat zones, and potentially a few "evil" characters could hang out with a measure of safety in there, but not be a fully-featured alternative faction and settlement.
Anyway, all this is to say that we won't be continuing to offer Corvus (or other factions) as alternative factions available to player characters. Being kicked out of Shadgard is no longer going to be a step on one's way to joining a new faction, but rather actually a bad thing as it should be: Left to fend for oneself out in the unforgiving Lost Lands wilderness. Corvus is not accepting new applicants and will continue to attack approaching foreigners on sight. Mistral Lake remains thoroughly (and mysteriously) closed off and silent to any who approach. Haiban remains a smoldering crater.
Characters already in Corvus aren't being kicked out, but the closure of access to the Citadel is part one of the Outpost's overall player character support being toned down. We're not sure yet to what degree we're going to tone these things down. For the time being, Corvites should be considered largely on their own when coming up with how they spend their time and find entertainment playing their Corvites. Frankly, this shouldn't feel new: that's how Corvus has been pretty much since the above-mentioned siege back in ... 2012, wow. This isn't to say Corvus will go inactive as a faction. I have plans for it to continue getting more uppity. But it will be treated by staff pretty much as an NPC faction and while we're not against looping in player characters if they happen to be around, we're not going to wait on them or work around them either when we want something to happen, and we're not going to try to make it keep up as a fully-featured mirror of Shadgard when it comes to features, facilities, event availability and all that.
So, ultimately: Shadgard is the main game. Getting a character banished from Shadgard is to have that character be cut off from a lot of what the game offers, without equivalent fallbacks provided. Getting banished should be avoided (which is a weird thing to feel needs saying). We're not going to make and maintain a new faction (or outpost, or guild) for every alternative idea or stylistic leaning players might have. We're a small hobby passion project, and we need to focus. Threat of banishment should be a meaningful tool that keeps character behavior at least somewhat in line.
This isn't to say everyone needs be best friends and holding hands in Shadgard. Rivalries can (and do) exist within Shadgard. Disgruntled citizens can (and do) exist in Shadgard. People with a darker/spookier/eeeeevil-er bent can (and do) exist within Shadgard.
All this actually highlights another unfortunate result of having an "Evil Faction" available - it makes people assume Shadgard is "the Good Faction" and that everyone who calls Shadgard home are all supposed to be virtuous and morally upright heroes of righteousness who adhere to the highest standards of ethics and pure good goodly pureness. Yuck.
Shadgard is not "Good". Yes, they expect people to have the basic level of decency and civility required to maintain a functioning society. But they're by no means a bastion of moral superiority and righteousness. It's a rough and gritty survival town in a crapsack post-apocalyptic world. There's corruption in the government. There's brutal vigilante "justice". The Church of Light exists there, sure, but they're a niche minority. Churchfolk are very nice and very helpful people, so they tend to be highly valued in the community (that'll happen when you go out of your way to be helpful), but they are not a representation of your average Shadgardian by any stretch of the word.
Shadgardians aren't against nether-corruption and resen-infestation and (most) canim out of some desire to fight a righteous holy war against the forces of evil, they're just trying to somehow survive in this awful environment without losing their (physical) humanity to infestation or nether-corruption or the like. That's not moral or righteous Goodness, that's basic survival instinct. And basic, primal survival instinct can push people to be scary and dark and ruthless, too, even if they're not moustache-twistingly "evil". You're going to find that kind of thing in Shadgard, everywhere from the citizenry to the Town Council.
Players shouldn't feel like their darker character has no place in Shadgard, because Shadgard isn't a capital-G Good Town. If someone has a character that they absolutely insist is so incredibly evil that they could never possibly be accepted in a place like Shadgard, or they want them to be banished to get that extra edge to them, then feel free to get them banished. Just know that the character will then have to be played as an unsupported character who has been banished from the only society available. It's essentially opting in to an unsupported hard mode that is not intended to be equally viable. And it's going to be even tougher now with the Mighty Winter weather, not to mention how that's going to start pushing other desperate NPCs out there to start taking over and squatting in any available wilderness shelter sites themselves!
Lastly: Yes, I admit that I did allude to and begin adding more support for Corvus as a player character town after reviving CLOK. Further thought and various observations and experiences since then have caused me to change my mind. My apologies to those who were excited about that stuff.
- Better foster a more cohesive community
- Allow for more streamlined development of both mechanics and events
- Make banishment meaningful and act as an actual deterrent to disruptive character behavior
1. On the general idea of having multiple fully-supported factions (facilities, trainers, guild access, shops, NPCs, events, etc).
The biggest issue with multiple fully-supported factions that has been apparent since it first became a thing in early CLOK is that it splits up the community. I saw this in the previous MUD I had played as more and more fully-featured towns were opened and the palyerbase fractured and spread out into small isolated communities that more or less wanted nothing to do with each other. For reasons unknown, Past Rias figured it wouldn't be as bad in my own game if I just kept it under tight control. To be fair, the additional factions in CLOK happened more organically as events were happening despite no initial plans to have them result in actual major player-joinable factions. In any case, I won't ramble further on this specific point as I've already done so plenty in the past.
Having multiple fully-supported factions also multiplies the required development, maintenance, and event effort from staff, all for disproportionate player-facing results - typically on behalf of one or two players that could be considered "regularly active" in these alternative factions. This in turn can often lead to resentment: If we do something for faction A, we hear "What about us in Faction B?" We do something for Faction B, and we'll get "What about us in Faction A?" Or "Why are you spending time on that faction when hardly anyone actually plays it?"
Running events in a setting with multiple individual factions is pretty much the worst, because you know right off the bat that there will be people in factions not specifically concerned with the event that won't care about them at all (and again, will resent staff effort being spent on them). There's also the goofiness of bending over backwards to try and always do events out in some neutral patch of ground in the wilderness for the sake of inclusiveness, instead of in the actual settlement where it would make far more sense to take place.
Something that might be less obvious is that running events with alternative factions that have some PCs involved can be tough, because it often involves waiting on those PCs to be around or to take a hook, potentially providing them with special tools or resources to participate in the event, etc. A lot of planned NPC action/events on the part of various factions have ended up just not happening because of stuff like this. There's a big risk of the GM planning the event running out of steam because it can be such a hassle sometimes to get all the stars to align just right. NOTE: This is not saying that specific players are at fault! Just that the logistics involved become more complicated when GMs want to try and rope in additional actual people (players) instead of just spawning and controlling a bunch of NPCs themselves.
Another issue of having multiple fully-supported player-joinable factions is that they are essentially viewed as safety nets for problematic behavior. Who cares if Faction A doesn't like what I'm doing? If they give me guff or banish me, I'll just move to Faction B. And if Faction B won't let me do what I want then fine, I'll burn that bridge as I move to Faction C. This in turn can potentially lead to a sense of entitlement, with players assuming they will always have a fully supported gameplay experience regardless of their character's behavior because they assume they'll always be given another faction/settlement to fall back on. It's a roundabout way of encouraging disruptive behavior due to a lack of meaningful consequence.
Yet another issue is the "grass is always greener" effect: A player may be feeling a bit bored with the status quo and decide hey, I'm going to have my character join a different faction now or "go evil" (or create a new character for that purpose) just to try and have some fresh experiences. This harms the community the player was previously a part of by removing them from it and, frankly, usually results in the player expressing regret about the decision later.
At the end of the day, I don't think this stuff is necessarily *insurmountable* (even if I have yet to see an example of it being pulled off particularly well). There may be ways to make the game work satisfactorily with multiple factions. But I honestly just don't want to do that. I don't want to "hire" and manage a huge number of staff to try and make that happen. I don't want the game to feel like a sprawling world with multiple towns and factions one can choose from and bounce between. I want the sense of scale and community in the game to be small, cozy, and unified. Small-town-like. I want a well-developed single town and a manageable number of associated well-fleshed-out NPCs that the playerbase can form meaningful opinions of and relationships with. I want to be able to focus and do things well and meaningfully with a single unified community. Quality over quantity.
2. On the support of "Evil" (and/or disruptive or hostile) characters, CvC, and Corvus
We've had some fun "evil" or at least "typically hostile to the main/default faction" characters in CLOK, helping drive interesting events and substantive conflict. I don't think touting equal support for this kind of thing as an available alternative and acceptable character path/playstyle is good for the game, though. There's the obvious issue of your average player not handling the playing of an "evil" character well, and assuming it just means being as generally offensive, disruptive, and murder-y as possible. The idea that there's an Evil Faction out there just waiting to embrace these types of characters, even if mistaken, greatly exacerbates this issue.
While there has absolutely been some fun and well-executed CvC in CLOK's history (though this will be contested by some as it's always going to be a controversial issue), more often than not it has gone poorly. It requires a lot of staff effort observing, investigating, and attempting to moderate, and even with moderation action it typically leaves at least one party upset, if not both.
I don't want to forbid CvC completely or put in a bunch of anti-CvC mechanics, but I do want to remove things that give a feeling of overall wide CvC encouragement as a primary part of the game. (I still think there's potential for designated CvC contested zones, still holding on to that dream! We'll see.)
Behavior that results in banishment from Shadgard (the main faction/town) is supposed to be a *bad* thing, not treated as an effective (or even required) gateway or stepping stone to joining a different faction. Having the Evil Faction out there makes players assume that banishment is no big deal, as the character can just join the evil faction if they get banished and they'll still have every comfort and convenience they could ever need to continue playing the game normally. That might arguably be a good thing if CLOK was made from the ground up to be a split good-versus-evil faction conflict game, but it wasn't.
Corvus was a fluke.
The original intent for Corvus by its creator, Landion, was as a set of connected combat zones full of spooky nethrim, and potentially a reocurring antagonist NPC named Sceptus who was based there. Due to unrelated player character events that were ongoing at the time, we thought: Hey, maybe a character or two that are well on their way to getting kicked out of Shadgard for their developing extreme eeeevilness could squat in these areas, neutral with the mobs there, so they have a place to chill. After all, we had done a similar type of thing before, for anyone who remembers Jaren, our first player-character antagonist who was too evil to live in Shadgard. This snowballed into Corvus becoming a more fully-featured "town", but even then it still had an event arc and potential ending: The Corvus Outpost was eventually besieged, the gates breached, the evil Sceptus was defeated, hooray! But we thought, hrm, having some baddies in a baddie town was kind of fun. Maybe we'll keep it going and see what happens. And it snowballed more, and became even more full-featured, and it even was a starting town choice for new characters for a while, no questions asked. In retrospect, I think after that siege and defeat of Sceptus it should have ended up close to the original intent: a bunch of nethrim-infested outpost combat zones, and potentially a few "evil" characters could hang out with a measure of safety in there, but not be a fully-featured alternative faction and settlement.
Anyway, all this is to say that we won't be continuing to offer Corvus (or other factions) as alternative factions available to player characters. Being kicked out of Shadgard is no longer going to be a step on one's way to joining a new faction, but rather actually a bad thing as it should be: Left to fend for oneself out in the unforgiving Lost Lands wilderness. Corvus is not accepting new applicants and will continue to attack approaching foreigners on sight. Mistral Lake remains thoroughly (and mysteriously) closed off and silent to any who approach. Haiban remains a smoldering crater.
Characters already in Corvus aren't being kicked out, but the closure of access to the Citadel is part one of the Outpost's overall player character support being toned down. We're not sure yet to what degree we're going to tone these things down. For the time being, Corvites should be considered largely on their own when coming up with how they spend their time and find entertainment playing their Corvites. Frankly, this shouldn't feel new: that's how Corvus has been pretty much since the above-mentioned siege back in ... 2012, wow. This isn't to say Corvus will go inactive as a faction. I have plans for it to continue getting more uppity. But it will be treated by staff pretty much as an NPC faction and while we're not against looping in player characters if they happen to be around, we're not going to wait on them or work around them either when we want something to happen, and we're not going to try to make it keep up as a fully-featured mirror of Shadgard when it comes to features, facilities, event availability and all that.
So, ultimately: Shadgard is the main game. Getting a character banished from Shadgard is to have that character be cut off from a lot of what the game offers, without equivalent fallbacks provided. Getting banished should be avoided (which is a weird thing to feel needs saying). We're not going to make and maintain a new faction (or outpost, or guild) for every alternative idea or stylistic leaning players might have. We're a small hobby passion project, and we need to focus. Threat of banishment should be a meaningful tool that keeps character behavior at least somewhat in line.
This isn't to say everyone needs be best friends and holding hands in Shadgard. Rivalries can (and do) exist within Shadgard. Disgruntled citizens can (and do) exist in Shadgard. People with a darker/spookier/eeeeevil-er bent can (and do) exist within Shadgard.
All this actually highlights another unfortunate result of having an "Evil Faction" available - it makes people assume Shadgard is "the Good Faction" and that everyone who calls Shadgard home are all supposed to be virtuous and morally upright heroes of righteousness who adhere to the highest standards of ethics and pure good goodly pureness. Yuck.
Shadgard is not "Good". Yes, they expect people to have the basic level of decency and civility required to maintain a functioning society. But they're by no means a bastion of moral superiority and righteousness. It's a rough and gritty survival town in a crapsack post-apocalyptic world. There's corruption in the government. There's brutal vigilante "justice". The Church of Light exists there, sure, but they're a niche minority. Churchfolk are very nice and very helpful people, so they tend to be highly valued in the community (that'll happen when you go out of your way to be helpful), but they are not a representation of your average Shadgardian by any stretch of the word.
Shadgardians aren't against nether-corruption and resen-infestation and (most) canim out of some desire to fight a righteous holy war against the forces of evil, they're just trying to somehow survive in this awful environment without losing their (physical) humanity to infestation or nether-corruption or the like. That's not moral or righteous Goodness, that's basic survival instinct. And basic, primal survival instinct can push people to be scary and dark and ruthless, too, even if they're not moustache-twistingly "evil". You're going to find that kind of thing in Shadgard, everywhere from the citizenry to the Town Council.
Players shouldn't feel like their darker character has no place in Shadgard, because Shadgard isn't a capital-G Good Town. If someone has a character that they absolutely insist is so incredibly evil that they could never possibly be accepted in a place like Shadgard, or they want them to be banished to get that extra edge to them, then feel free to get them banished. Just know that the character will then have to be played as an unsupported character who has been banished from the only society available. It's essentially opting in to an unsupported hard mode that is not intended to be equally viable. And it's going to be even tougher now with the Mighty Winter weather, not to mention how that's going to start pushing other desperate NPCs out there to start taking over and squatting in any available wilderness shelter sites themselves!
Lastly: Yes, I admit that I did allude to and begin adding more support for Corvus as a player character town after reviving CLOK. Further thought and various observations and experiences since then have caused me to change my mind. My apologies to those who were excited about that stuff.