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On Morale

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 1:29 pm
by jerc
This is something of a spin-off from viewtopic.php?p=41180, but it felt like enough of a tangent to warrant its own thread.

In short, I really really dislike the current Morale system. It's easily my least favorite thing about Clok/COGG. Low morale feels far too punishing and high morale feels far too necessary. It makes it feel like "happy and smells nice" is a core part of my character's build just because of how necessary and low-effort having high morale is.

Let's look at some numbers. Here's an Anydice program showing low/zero/high morale. This is basically going to be a rehash of the old "value of a reroll" post on the COGG BBS, so feel free to skip if you're already familiar.

Assuming zero base rerolls and rolling a d100, you would expect equal likelihood of rolling any number. You'd have a 50/50 shot at above/below 50, 25/75 of above/below 75, and 75/25 of above/below 25. On average, you'll roll 50.

Introducing rerolls does two things: It skews your average roll and makes your rolls more consistent. Consistently bad in the case of negative rerolls and consistently good in the case of positive. For average roll skew, a single reroll will shift your average from 50 to 33 for negative or 67 for positive. This change to roll average alone feels huge, but it's not the whole picture. If the same distribution was maintained, you might expect the new average to simply be the new 50/50 point, but it's actually worse. With one negative reroll, the 50/50 point is in actuality 30, and 70 for positive. Why the extra skew? It's because the rolls are more consistent, and weighted in the reroll direction. A roll of 50 becomes the 25/75 point - A die with a single negative reroll will only break 50 25% of the time, while a positive reroll will result in an over-50 result 75% of the time.

All this is to say that the positive/negative reroll from the Morale bonus has a huge impact. Especially for tasks that are near your skill level and considered "challenging," one reroll can be make-or-break. So we're incentivized to keep our morale as close to 5.0 as possible for that fairly-consistent bonus reroll. This is really easy to do, even without "sleeping" in a comfortable bed. Taking a bath regularly easily restores morale faster than it depletes. It's so trivial to maintain that having 4.0+ morale has come to feel like the "baseline" for my character to feel "right." I assume most other players operate in much the same way. Even 0.0 morale feels punishing when you've gotten used to having that extra reroll most of the time.

On the flip side, having -5.0 morale feels absolutely debilitating. Almost any mob I fight will either trounce me or isn't worthwhile with respect to either skill practice or loot. Even activities that don't involve a specific skill but still have a roll involved, like butchering, aren't worth doing when you only see a handful of meat hunks from a deer when you usually have to count on both hands and both feet. So the activities available at low morale feel very limited. You can mostly just chill and RP.

But wait, jerc! I thought morale is "really easy" to keep high! It's easy, yes, but it's time-intensive, and not even the fun/active kind of time-intensive. The things that raise your morale are few and far between, zero-interaction, and are on timers. You can't just spam them and get your morale back to max; you have to wait until their cooldown expires to get them again. These cooldowns are on the order of hours - at least one, maybe two for tasty food/ bath with soap? I only know of one other fairly-expensive way to gain morale quickly. All in all, you can gain something like 2 morale per hour if you're really trying and hitting all of those cooldowns asap. So let's say you've just used all of those cooldowns and accidentally walk 10 leagues in the wilderness with your bag closed. You're now at -5.0 morale with no way to regain it. You're looking at 3-4 hours just to get back to 0.0 morale, which already probably feels like a punishment. More like 5-7 hours to get to the +5.0 which is what feels "normal" now.

None of this feels like a good mechanic. A "bonus" shouldn't be so trivial to maintain that it feels like the "baseline," and its inverse shouldn't be so debilitating and easy-yet-time-intensive to reverse that it just feels like a time-out rather than an additional challenge.

I don't quite know how I'd like to see it actually work though, as removing it entirely would feel bad, since we'd lose that sweet sweet 5.0 morale reroll. Setting that aside, one thought I had was to make it more like WoW's "rested" bonus, maybe with a negative multiplier if you managed to tank it. Something that would still let you progress, albeit more slowly. In my research, I even found that this is similar to how it worked at one time in Clok's past: viewtopic.php?p=38005.

Anyway, curious to hear other players' thoughts and ideas!

Re: On Morale

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 1:35 pm
by Gorth
Probabilities look and feel right. It is stupid easy to keep high, but it requires you do meaningless repeated tasks on the regular, if you are the kind of person who stays logged in for a long period of time. And, once that negative five is reached it feels like the world's least fun slog uphill. I'd prefer to see something more linear, and that feels less like a job to upkeep.

Re: On Morale

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2024 8:58 am
by verel
I'm not a Math guy.

All I know is that if you have great morale, you can make stuff that's actually worth selling. If you have even 0 morale, your stuff is gonna be worthless. I didn't think morale could affect crafting so much, who would've thought being joyful and elated or whatever equivalent you ascribe towards 5.0 morale would help in some cases.

I'm not sure what to suggest in this case. All I know is that you gotta keep morale up to the highest level otherwise your work will suffer so hard.

Re: On Morale

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:15 am
by esthy
Have the short sleep bonuses been turned off? Why if so?

Re: On Morale

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:29 am
by jerc
Can't speak to the intent, but it prevents things like getting the bath/food/donation boost, taking a short nap for another boost until they're off cooldown, and then getting them again. So the only thing you "gain" by logging off while waiting for those cooldowns is a morale decay freeze, which is only relevant if you're actually positive, and can also be attained by hanging out in a gathering spot. If you're negative, you'll get the very slow recovery if you stay logged in while waiting for cooldowns.

In summary, it very very slightly incentivizes staying logged in and hanging out around town instead of "get boost, log off, repeat".

Re: On Morale

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:43 am
by Rias
Right, it was essentially encouraging people to log out or switch characters to get some morale, which didn't seem great. The long sleep one still seems okay since it's an extended period when the player presumably has something else they actually want to do with their time anyway, rather than just wanting to squeeze a little more morale from the system.

I do want to note that there wasn't any particular player or activity that caused this decision. It was just the occurring thought of: "Hmm, yeah, we probably don't want to incentivize logging out when the players wouldn't otherwise want to, or make them feel like they're missing out on something by staying logged in."

Re: On Morale

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 10:31 am
by esthy
Didn't think of that. Fair enough!