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Locksmithing Training

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 6:12 pm
by Forz
Hey! So.

Long ago, we would get tasks/quests from our guilds that pushed our skillsets so that we could grow them.

As a locksmith, I know that there is tasking set up, but very rarely does it touch a spot that would actually offer my locksmith improvement.

With locksmithing being something that everyone relies on, is there a way to either hone that task to provide tasking closer to the players' skillset so that they learn by doing, or maybe even creating an NPC in their appropriate guildspace that sends them for tasks and offers training in the skillset?

Appreciate all you're doing, Rias and team!


Re: Locksmithing Training

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 6:17 pm
by Adresin
To add to this, my utasa character is very low skill, so she's able to learn from the tasks. However, to my knowledge there is no locksmith skill trainer that Utasa characters can access. Additionally, tumbler locks give no skill gain whatsoever, despite being the ones that take longer to crack. Either or both of these being fixed would be a tremendous help.

Re: Locksmithing Training

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:54 pm
by Forz
Yep, my character is also Utasa - we used to get tasked with things that improved our locksmithing ability through what basically amounted to delivery tasks. It was a bit more nuanced than that, but...

I'd love for that opportunity to come back. It was an exceptional opportunity... and it helped me dive into RP in the world, really.

There were times when PCs approached me and asked me about what it was that I was doing. It was just a really good time.


Re: Locksmithing Training

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 2:56 am
by esthy
Yep, something odd going on with tumblers if you're training the skill. I feeeel like I might have gotten gains from them without a lesson, but I don't really remember.

The gains themselves are quite slow, but I imagine that will be changed whenever you're able to get around to it.

Re: Locksmithing Training

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2025 4:33 pm
by ydia
I think the learnable skill will have to be put back in first. It's a bit frustrating now for new players because they rely on old characters to be around to even unlock boxes.