Kent wrote: Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:12 pm
Not trying to be rude, but I believe CLOK and the Dwaedn class were not at all improved by this change.
It can be rough when your idea of something is shaken up, for sure. Hopefully I can help assuage some of your concerns. As the creator of the Dwaedn Wyr, I'm actually excited for this addition! I think it will go a long way toward reminding people that the Dwaedn Wyr are multi-faceted, and more than a bunch of bear cultists with a single simplistic combat philosophy consisting of being loud and smashing things until they stop moving. The Dwaedn Wyr are indeed often loud and brash, and they value physical strength very much, but they are not forbidden from utilizing effective combat tactics that aren't purely related to strength alone. They draw inspiration from all sorts of beasts, after all, even if the physically strong ones tend to enjoy the greatest respect.
As Noccy pointed out, a Cougar totem has been in Dwaedn Vil since the Old Days. So have the Wolf and Serpent totems, which are two more that should be taken as evidence against the common misconception that Dwaedn can only do their thing by loudly and brashly rushing up to confront their foes after properly ensuring their foes know they're coming. Cougar, Wolf, and Serpent being among the top spirits in Dwaedn reverence would seem to suggest that the Way of the Bear isn't the -only- way to do things, and I think it could be argued that all three of these spirits could be seen to use the overall technique of leading a fight from a position of strength, often striking when their prey is not initially aware of them. While cougars and other large cats can indeed be terrifyingly strong, wolves and serpents are perhaps not quite so much: they bring other things to the table when it comes to prowess in physical conflict.
While the "me Grontarg, me smash puny foes" stereotype can certainly work for a Dwaedn Wyr character, it has never been my favorite. Dwaedn Wyr are - generally speaking, as an organization - introspective challenge-seekers wishing to continually improve themselves, with a spiritual connection to and drawing inspiration from the wild natural world around them: particularly revering beasts at the top of the food chain for obvious reasons, but ultimately seeking wisdom from all, both great and small. See this line from the Dwaedn Wyr wiki article:
A Dwaedn warrior is almost certainly prideful, and this is not discouraged. However, should this pride cause a warrior to regard himself as superior to and above the beasts he fights, he will soon be humbled, for always will even the meekest of beasts have something to teach the mightiest man, if the man has the wisdom and humility to see it.
All this to say: Dwaedn Wyr are not limited to raw strength alone, even if strength is clearly a primary focus of their members.
Now to get more specific to the new ability in question: As I understand it, it's meant as an initial strike, and if I understand correctly it also has penalties that prevent it from being used in a hit-and-run method that stealth-reliant characters would use. This isn't a matter of constantly retreating back to the shadows to make stealthy attacks against a foe who can't fight back, which would certainly earn a Dwaedn Wyr scorn and ridicule: What's the point of trying to deny one's enemy the opportunity to fight back? This deprives the Dwaedn warrior of opportunities to test and improve himself, and is certainly not a situation that could be considered a worthy and honorable challenge. No: A Dwaedn uses this Pounce ability to lead off an attack as an initial strike, bringing the Dwaedn face-to-face with a foe from an advantageous position of strength, and the encounter proceeds entirely face-to-face. This is a powerful first strike ability, not a means of turning Dwaedn into sneaky stealth assassins who only ever strike from the shadows. (Does it even require a successful stealth roll to be used? That, I don't know.)
I'd love to hear any further thoughts on all this, as I'm interested to hear what impressions and understanding people have of the Dwaedn Wyr in general. They're one of my favorite guilds.
Fun semi-related trivia: I've always wanted to add a Rat Totem and some rat-based Dwaedn abilities! Their resourcefulness, cunning, and tenacity are certainly a worthy source of inspiration for a Dwaedn warrior.