RPAs and their use

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RPAs and their use

Post by Dakhal »

So, I was just sitting around earlier and the idea came to me randomly. There's a lot of times I purposely avoid doing certain tasks when I have an RPA, as I would hate to use it on something menial. Would there be at all a possibility to toggle an RPA's usage on and off? It would make it a lot easier to use it on something you genuinely want to use it on in regards to training. Of course, if the intention is that you don't use that inspiration you've had on any one specific things, I understand. But this would be an interesting bit of additional functionality.

Thanks for the read.
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Re: RPAs and their use

Post by Akila »

Ooo yes please. I love this idea.

I've often been the same, avoiding some tasks to make the best use of an RPA. It'd be nice to toggle. Not huge though, because they're just nice little rewards.
[CHAT - Mayor Bryce of Bryceburgh]: It's that funny metal thing you put in your mouth, Galon, and then it goes "Boing, doing, dwang, dwang, doing, ding, boing, dwahng."
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Re: RPAs and their use

Post by Jirato »

Seems a bit too min-max for me.

There will be an upcoming change where you can pick which character to apply an RPA to, though.
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