Outfit sets

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Outfit sets

Post by Alexander »

In the same vein as stash and stow, it would be appreciated if there was a way to somehow set certain outfits. It is rather cumbersome to change from my armor to my civilian clothing, and back. I would not expect it to be a high priority, but I thought it worth suggesting. Perhaps something along the lines of the following:

(While wearing armor)
outfit set 1 * This would set whatever you are currently wearing as part of outfit number 1

(While wearing civilian clothes)
outfit set 2

And then, to set a container to stow/retrieve outfit components from:
outfit set container trunk

Then, when in the same room as the set container, I could type outfit wear 1. This would remove all my current gear that is not found in that outfit set and store it in the trunk, and remove any components of that outfit set from the trunk and wear them. If a component was missing, the player would get some notification of such, but it should not prevent the command from working.

I realize this is asking a lot for the simple sake of convenience. I would not expect it to be high priority.
(Alexander clenches a fist momentarily, then stops and calms himself with visible effort.)
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