Recognition Points - what to use them for?

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Recognition Points - what to use them for?

Post by Rias »

Looks like the request for a use for recognition points is pretty popular. The issue is deciding what to use them for. I don't want it to turn into a replacement for riln. Most guilds rely on their members for funding, so I don't want to put a whole lot of nice items up for sale via guild points rather than riln. Spending recognition points on the majority of core gear is a unique perk (or penalty, depending on how you look at it) for monks and templar, though it would make sense for Dwaedn Wyr as well.

Some ideas:

Dwaedn Wyr:
- Temporary blessings (buffs) from various Animal Spirits
- Purchase unique weapons
- Access to a special one-on-one combat arena (sort of a way to gamble rec points - spend X to get in, and if you win, you get more - if you lose, you lose additional rec points)
- Learn some minor roleplay/showoff abilities - fancy brandishing of weapons, etc.
- Purchase runes to be engraved into weapons, enhancing them in various ways. 1 per weapon, and permanent.

- Summon allied thieves in town. Would only last a minute or so. Good for when you've just gotten caught or get into a particularly bad scrape within the town walls.
Can't really think of a lot for thieves, since they intentionally operate mostly on riln. Open to suggestions, keeping this in mind.

- Tutoring. A more powerful version of study/training (triple rather than double skillgains, perhaps). Would have to be balanced carefully as it's not meant to replace normal training. Maybe you would need to reach a goal of skill level X before you could get further tutoring on that subject, rather than it just being on a timer.
- Access to advanced library, where some minor cantrip spells can be learned or books can be studied that grant a little more instant skillgain than normal (one per visit)

Rook Parlour:
- Charge up a Blood Talisman within the guild, rather than manually harvesting soul shreds
- Use of Advanced Summoning Chambers, where unique (but temporary) minions can be attained

I'll leave ideas for the other three guilds to their respective gurus.
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Post by Landion »

Possible ideas for the Trade Coalition:

- A 1 time ticket into an area with rare tree types. You'd only be able to fill up 1 cart then have to pay for another ticket in with Rec points to get back into the area.
- Same ticket idea, only with a Coalition only mine with higher returns for rare materials, like gold, silver and precious gemstones.
- Having some future ideas require Rec points + Riln. Such as shop and mine permits.
- Upgrades to mines and shops to require large amounts of rec points and riln.
- Riln + Recognition points for unique or guild only gemstone cuts
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Post by Jaren »

Keep in mind that rec points are typically harder to earn than riln, as such I don't think they could ever replace riln completely. And if they ever do, you can make rec points even more difficult to obtain or raise the cost of things to buy with them.

Here's a few of my ideas:

All Guilds
- A special training session with your guild master (+2 to that skill plus a whole hour of studying time) or (300% training speed for 30 min)
- Special aesthetic (look only) upgrades that match your guild.
Dwaedn Wyr = druidic tattoos, battle scars
Thieves = special eye descriptions such as shifty eyes, keen eyes or body descriptions "appears very agile", scars etc
Elemancers = glowing tattoo from their preferred element, strange color eyes from channeling the elements.
Rook Parlour = same as above but with their own flavor of stuff. black/red/blind eyes, scary tattoos etc.
Trade coalition = Add "you hear a jingling riln purse" as they leave/enter a room ie "Fredegar arrives, you hear the jingling of riln" (must be that 20 riln he still owes me)
Monks = Eyes - Pious eyes, kind eyes; Body - humble in appearance
That's the basic idea, just repeat for the rest of the guilds. Basically it's stuff that appears on you from being part of that guild for a long time.

There's my 2 cents. Can't think of too much more at the moment.
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Post by Alexander »

If there is any intention for monks and templar to receive additional recognition point benefits beyond the purchase of items, I would suggest something similar to the Dwaedn Wyr spirit blessings: Perhaps some brief blessings from Serafina, allowing such temporary benefits as:
- an increase to thaumaturgy skill
- an effect similar to Halo that makes it more difficult for nethrim to land strikes on the blessed
- slightly less fatigue from actions
- thaumaturgic flares on weapon strikes, even when not channeling
- restoring nutrition to full (though I am not sure if this would make sense, as I am not aware of the extent of Serafina's powers)
- increased effectiveness of chants (provided there are more planned beyond Resolve)

Only one could be active at a time, or some similar limitation, of course.
Last edited by Alexander on Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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