Putting the Rook Retrieval method back the way it was

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Putting the Rook Retrieval method back the way it was

Post by Kent »

For the most part of CLOK's history, when a corpse was taken to a Rook for retrieval, a shadow familiar appeared and you had to type something to chose to go with the familiar, and if you didn't you stayed dead.

It was a regrettable decision to change this, it was good the way it was and now we have grief because of it.

Please change it back to the way it was, it was a good game back then.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

A dirty woodsman frowns at you and suggests you return after getting cleaned up.

Helpful tips, commands, and hints for new CLOKers: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2367&p=12822#p12822
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Re: Putting the Rook Retrieval method back the way it was

Post by Jirato »

I believe I've said multiple times that the reason it was reverted was because it was broken. It is not currently possible with the way it was previously coded. It results in duplicating player characters.

It's on my list for a complete rewrite with the rest of the new death mechanics.
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