Why your guild?

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Why your guild?

Post by Rithiel »

Why did you pick the guild you picked? Do you wish that you could go back and pick another? Does the website give enough information about each guild in an easy to digest (and find) manner so that you could make an informed decision?

(In general, I'm asking about your first (or main) character, since once you've played a bit you should know more of what the guilds are about).
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Post by Jaster »

Well, Jaster isn't my first character. With my first character I had accidentally joined the monks. Before that I was seriously considering the thieves guild though, and I would have ended up joining them had I not accidentally joined the monks.

I always like being a sneaky character, and I liked what I had read on the website about the theives, so they were immediately the most attractive to me. Now that I have been one I'm glad that I joined them (because they rawk, duh). Utasa weren't available when I had first joined, but it's ok because I don't think anything about them would have really deterred me from theives. I kinda had an idea of the type of character that I wanted to play, and it really fits better as a thief anyway.

That being said, I do think that the website generally has good information on all of the guilds that is easy to find. The only thing that would make it easier for newer players would probably be having in-game helpfiles or something like that. I'm perfectly content going to the website for the info, but I have been here long enough to know most things.
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Post by Jaren »

Q: Why did you pick the guild you picked?
A: Because Jaren is evil.

Q: Do you wish that you could go back and pick another?
A: Nope but I do wish I could go back and burn down the other guilds... the town too.

Q: Does the website give enough information about each guild in an easy to digest (and find) manner so that you could make an informed decision?
A: When this guild was first formed... no. (beta testing) But it has plenty of information now.

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Post by Isiaa »

I joined the elemenancers because I enjoy playing mage characters.In fact I usually only play mage characters.Info was ok.There wasn't a whole lot of it anyway.At the time.WE had the aero skills and geo shield and that was it plus the RP background.
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Post by Alexander »

I joined the Knights Templar because it appeared to be a fairly well-thought-out guild (as far is the information on the website showed) in comparison to the others, and also because I was simply in a mood that made the thought of a character likely to be exploring dark places with a dark or tragic history seem desirable. The Viali also struck me as interesting, with an established culture, and the Templar seemed a natural choice for a Viali. With all that said, I had the specific goal in mind to have my character be an obvious example of such a stereotypical character, yet also have some traits that set him aside from the norm, should they ever come to the surface or be discovered.

All of the other guilds seem very interesting and to have their own strengths and particular focus, but I would not change my decision.

The site is somewhat lacking in information, but gives enough to help one make a fairly informed decision. It would be good to see some more history and background information regarding the guilds, where they come from, their overall goals and ideals, and so forth. Thankfully, the information on the Templar (as well as Monks) does have a bit of information on these subjects. Perhaps that played a part in making my decision.

I will say that I am glad the site is in wiki form. It makes searching for information and delving deeper into areas of interest dramatically simpler.
Last edited by Alexander on Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alexander »

I must add that I also enjoy the idea behind the Church of Light and the concept of the Inner Light. I am fairly certain it is based heavily on the Holy Light of the Warcraft universe, but that is not a bad thing. To have a church that is more a philosophy and drawing on one's own strength rather than groveling and begging and praying to a deity is interesting and most welcome. To have a deity, Serafina the Torchbearer, involved as a patron of the Church but not as a central figure of worship is an interesting touch. Instead of depending on a deity much as a spoiled child would depend on his parents, the deity instead encourages the Church members to find their own strength and way, and only assists when the need is particularly great or the trial too overwhelming.

I may be adding my own speculation to the idea behind the Church based on the scant information I have seen on the wiki (on the Immortals page, the Templar page, and the information regarding some guild abilities), but that is what I have come to think of it as. More information regarding the Church and its philosophies would be a welcome addition.
Last edited by Alexander on Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lae »

Bumping this..

So I logged into CLOK for the first time (no research, nothin') and made mention of wanting to help people, less than an hour later I was a Monk. Would I change that? No, I don't think I would. I've pretty much built this character around what she does and her association with the Church. So if I would have logged in for the first time and said that I wanted to subjugate everyone and rain blood from the skies...well Lae would be totally different. So I'm glad I went with being nice because I really love the healing abilities and the fact that you are held to a standard with your actions.

I think that the website offers a lot of information but when my friends have asked about different things I've actually referenced them to the forums instead of the website. I found more information here than I was able to on the website. Not because the website isn't set up well, I just work better when everything is listed right there for me to look through.
Last edited by Lae on Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Avedri »

I was poor and Lae told me I could be less poor by being a trader.

Also seemed to work the best for my character idea.
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Post by Lae »

[quote=Avedri]I was poor and Lae told me I could be less poor by being a trader.

Also seemed to work the best for my character idea.[/quote]


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Post by Zaggeh »

Why did you pick the guild you picked?
I wanted to play a character that had a more supportive role, helping others rather than just mindlessly grinding combat areas. (Although the occasional romp through the nethrim areas all kung-fu style is a fun way to add some variety to the day)

Do you wish that you could go back and pick another? No. That's what alt accounts are for. Since CLOK is still new and developing, I do want to try out as many guilds and features as possible, but Zaggeh will always be my main and most serious character.

Does the website give enough information about each guild in an easy to digest (and find) manner so that you could make an informed decision? As far as guilds go... it's adequate. I feel the playstyle sections could be fleshed out a bit. For example, Dwaedn Wyr are obsessed with combat, I get that. But combat comes in many different forms. I gather from their skills that they are focused primarily on brawling, but does that mean that the use of other types of combat is shunned?

On a slightly off topic note: Usually the next thing I do after I pick a guild is pick a race, and racial lore is horribly lacking. I understand it's difficult to write, so I'm not upset over it or anything. Just saying...
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Post by Acarin »

Murder. 'nuff said.
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Post by Reynard »

First day I played, I ran into Elizamor in Redrock Canyon. She had a cart full of branches and logs, but she couldn't get into town to sell them, so she asked me to take take her cart to the Commons. I did, but then she found out that people in the Market refused to buy from her, so she gave me the cart. After selling the logs and giving Elizamor some of the profits from that, I was left with a cart full of branchs. "Well I might as well carve these," I thought. I spend the next 30-60 minutes raising my Woodworking (and Fletching). This would be useful for making staves and bows, the two main weapons of Udemi. I mean, there were other reasons I ended up joining Udemi, but that's when I first got it into my head to do so.

So I guess I picked Udemi because I ran into Elizamor. XD

Anyway, to answer the other questions:
No, I think Druidry is too cool lore-wise to choose another guild.
I think the wiki was PRETTY good about telling me what each guild was about and what it offered, but it was not so great about what I would not have without joining the guild. I didn't learn until actually playing that you HAD to be in certain guilds to learn any magic. I thought that certain guilds just broadened what you could do with that magic.
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Post by KianTheArcher »

WHen I first started playing, months ago, there was next to no information on the various guilds. And I do sort of wish I was able to swap over to Utasa sometimes, just because ranged attacks via arrows seem a lot worse than the other various damage sources (60 damage per attack, with about a 6-7 second timer without channeling aeromancy) such as elemancy, and melee. That and the fact that the majority of events tend to happen outside of areas where my guild specialties work (IE, outside of forests), as well as getting send to Tarueka for tasks.

However, now, the wiki is very useful, and I feel like I could make a much more informed decision based on the information available today.

*Edited to add*

Also, I picked Udemi because I do tend to like classes that are a bit of a hybrid between magic/melee/ranged. I had considered elemancer at first as well but ultimately thought a ranger type would be more enjoyable to play (which I still think is true, I don't know that I'd enjoy an elemancer).
Last edited by KianTheArcher on Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Elizamor »

[quote=Reynard]First day I played, I ran into Elizamor in Redrock Canyon. She had a cart full of branches and logs, but she couldn't get into town to sell them, so she asked me to take take her cart to the Commons. I did, but then she found out that people in the Market refused to buy from her, so she gave me the cart. After selling the logs and giving Elizamor some of the profits from that, I was left with a cart full of branchs. "Well I might as well carve these," I thought. I spend the next 30-60 minutes raising my Woodworking (and Fletching). This would be useful for making staves and bows, the two main weapons of Udemi. I mean, there were other reasons I ended up joining Udemi, but that's when I first got it into my head to do so.

So I guess I picked Udemi because I ran into Elizamor. XD

Anyway, to answer the other questions:
No, I think Druidry is too cool lore-wise to choose another guild.
I think the wiki was PRETTY good about telling me what each guild was about and what it offered, but it was not so great about what I would not have without joining the guild. I didn't learn until actually playing that you HAD to be in certain guilds to learn any magic. I thought that certain guilds just broadened what you could do with that magic.[/quote]

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Post by Evelyn »

Well... I found a greatsword in the crate when I first created, and Bryce was amused I picked it. I'm not really a lover of playing magic chars and I wanted to play a kick ass girl that can wield big shiny things... So the Wyr called to me. I blame Bryce. :P
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Re: Why your guild?

Post by TwistedAkai »

I guess this is kind of a necro (from the first page), but I could see new answers from this topic still being useful to staff. Answering for my first character.

Q: Why did you pick the guild you picked?
A: Honestly? Because of the guilds I saw, it was the one that seemed it would fit my character best. Also air lift.

Q: Do you wish that you could go back and pick another?
A: Nah

Q: Does the website give enough information about each guild in an easy to digest (and find) manner so that you could make an informed decision?
A: As far as public information goes, it seems like it does. It might do to mention the requirements for joining for the ones where it's about walking up to a guy and going "Hey, I wanna join." I did run into an issue of picking the wrong thing after joining and ending up unable to get tasks for my first rank, though. Mostly my fault for ignoring the warning and being too eager.
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Re: Why your guild?

Post by glare »

My first char actually didn't join a guild, still hasn't because I tend to take the no guild transfer in games like this fairly seriously.

My second on the other hand was my do whatever and is now my main. I had him join the Mercs because they looked like they wear heavy armor and in my months playing my first char I saw a distinct lack of tanks.

It was a good initial experience since It gave the character direction. The guild tasks were impossible solo at first but it forced him to ask for help which is generally a good thing.

Beginning experience was enjoyable. Now that I'm a few months in however and have a bit more experience I'm not goign to say I regret joining Mercs or anything, but considering the solo nature of a good number of players i don't really feel like a Merc. I don't mind so much that our guild abilities are few as such, though more teamwork or special weapon technique abilities would be nice.

Another facet that would boost my longterm play of this character is the oportunity to get hired by a wider array of NPCs other than the guild master. I would love to be able to go up to any guild master and be like, I'm for sale. What agenda / job do you need done or forwarded since you need a deniable asset or you don't want your name on this job etc.

Overall I enjoy the mercenaries. They seem largely morally flexible as long as it doesn't hurt the coalition itself and its allowed me to roleplay with chars from all alignments. I find the Merc Artisan relationshipo also has potential though either because i'm too new or it simply doesn't exist I haven't found anything bar player made understandings.

Enjoyable, no big complaints. Would not wish to leave. If asked would I do it again though. i'd probably say no. Nothing here is special enough either in roleplay or abilities for me to make a Merc if I had for knowledge of the experience. I

I hope that all made sense and this is written before I myself have made any real effort to flag down a GM for roleplay with a guild NPC which I plan to do soon so we'll see how that goes.
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Re: Why your guild?

Post by Divos »

Why my guild. Well, honestly. I enjoy the fighter/knight eques feel of characters. It's not something I'm the best at roleplaying but Talyn was very sudden. As a new character I didn't read the wiki thoroughly. I just looked through the guilds and said oh they Wyrvardn and the Templars sound cool. Maybe I'll start a Wyrvardn and move to be a Templar (Boy I was silly, since you can't switch guilds) Well, when I learned it was a life time thing I just stuck with it. The Roleplay has been really fun, I had a lot of players/characters teach Talyn that his choice was a good one. Do I still wonder how Talyn would be if he went Templar instead? Oh yeah, but the Wyrvardn really need love and I really enjoy the guild. So I'll be the unique one and keep going with the few who join it. I guess in short, besides my rash choice of just going and doing it quickly, the RP took over the rest of my reason why he's a Wyrvardn.
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Re: Why your guild?

Post by Vaelin »

To be honest, Mummer was that guild that was my bottom 3 to join, just above artisans. However due to ic reasons, I found I enjoyed playing mummers. They have a really flexible playstyle and rp oppurtunities. And if you don't know much about the lore, you have an excuse to ask around because you know, maybe you're looking for stories to talk about in the taverns. All in all, mummer is pretty good if you're a newbie.
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Re: Why your guild?

Post by auron »

For my main char its guild is the ellamansers. Then I read on the wiki about the gild, and it sounded cool!. Once I joined, I didn’t realize how much grinding it would take to get to the next rank. If I knew where I could have found more info, I might have picked a different guild. I don’t mind grinding, but for that guild... its a bit to much. If I could pick a different guild I would pick the rook. I wish the help files for the gilds were more up to date and if not in the game already, add them in. I don’t mind searching on here, but for newbies they might not know to search here.
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Re: Why your guild?

Post by Ocelotl »

Q: why did you pick the guild you picked?
A: Considering my char's background, it made a lot of sense. At the time, I also wanted him to be an independent fighter who would battle bad things without being bound to any particular faction, so he joined the seemingly-neutral brotherhood of the fist. Also, not using weapons is cheaper.
Q:did you wish that you could go back and pick another?
A: Sometimes. The character back then and the character now are pretty different in some ways, and if I had known how he would've turned out, I would've gone with the mummers. I actually did consider them, but from what I read, I thought fighting would be discouraged or at least not so emphasized .
Q: does the website give enough information?
A: generally . I like how the information is broad enough to give you room to explore and find out about them inside of the game, but some more information would be nice, particularly the playstyle section which doesn't say much for most of them.
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