Registration Item List

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Registration Item List

Post by Dorn »

The ability to go up to to the town hall, and inquire for a list of items you've registered.

I know you can examine an item to check to see if it is, but what if you lose items and you can't remember if they were or not? This has happened to me twice personally, and I never know whether to write or not, and end up doing so with zero clue what is going to happen. I imagine it can end up being a waste of GM time, and possibly frustrating to players.
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Re: Registration Item List

Post by Jirato »

Registering an item attaches your player ID to it. However, the item still has to exist in the game. Which is to say it doesn't add it to like a "registered item database" or anything. That would make a list pretty inaccurate. We could search through your own character and all the rooms in the MUD for a list of registered items, but any items that are in an offline players save file or a bank vault wouldn't be listed.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
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Re: Registration Item List

Post by ydia »

I think this is a good idea as Dorn says.
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Re: Registration Item List

Post by Sneaky »

Work around I guess would to either keep an in game log book of the things you've registered, don't forget to register it! Or an ooc excel sheet or something.
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