Contest: Design an Octum costume!

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Contest: Design an Octum costume!

Post by Rias »

Not sure if anyone would be interested, but I thought it might be fun to have an opportunity for players to design an item that goes into the game and is sold to other players at the festival. So, with Octum almost here, how about a player-submitted costume design contest?

Requirements and Notes and Such:
- The costume must be nethrim-themed in some way. I'm keeping the costumes mostly to the actual lore this year.
- The costume is a single worn item that presumably could cover your entire body. It cannot mechanically consist of multiple individual items, like a hat, a belt, a coat, a sword, etc. It can be assumed that multiple items make up the costume, though. Example: "a crimson-caped vampire costume"
- The noun is always going to be 'costume'. You should come up with a "pread" (words that come before the noun) and optionally a "postad" as well (words that come after the noun). Don't make it overly wordy.
- Come up with a description so people can look at the costume (look rias costume) and see the finer details of the thing.
- This contest is OOC. Your character is not in any way involved.
- The reward for winning this contest is having your item put into the game.
- Possible special properties include the costume covering the eyes, upper face, entire face, or entire head, and the costume including fangs which will be noticeable when the wearer speaks, grins, and a few other things.
- While the costumes don't have to be 100% accurate to lore (they're just costumes), they should be at least somewhat accurate/based on existing lore.

Example costume:
"a rotting ghoul costume with iron-shackled wrists"
pread: "rotting ghoul"
noun: "costume" (you can't change this)
postad: "with iron-shackled wrists"
description: "Gray and rotting flesh is rendered in grisly detail all over the rotting ghoul costume, muscle and bone exposed in several places. The bare-bone wrists have been shackled with manacles of iron, the nearby flesh looking red and inflamed."

So, if anyone's interested in submitting costume ideas, email them to I'll pick a favorite as a winner, and it'll be added to the Octum Festival costume shop. Remember: The contest is OOC, so your character won't get any credit or anything for it.
The lore compels me!
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