Herbalism skill gains

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Herbalism skill gains

Post by Sneaky »

I didn't see an herbalism board so decided to post it here.
I think perhaps herbalism skill gains should be looked at once more. I'll explain my reasoning below.
Today I made 80 poultices, I was only to complete about 1.6 of the required 2.5 for the lesson. I think this is a rather harsh rate of skillgain as the process of collecting the herbs is time consuming, and even the creating of the poultices can be as well.
I'll break it down below.
Assuming that you're in an area that only grows comfry and arnica and has a limitless supply of it to be forage and that each roll is successful, it would take you 800 seconds to collect 80 pieces of each. Then assuming it takes 5 seconds to grind 4 samples, it would take you another 1000 seconds to complete this process. Then it would take you another 400 seconds to make each poultice, resulting in a total of 2200 seconds which converts to about 36 minutes.
Keep in mind that after 70 skill points in herbalism you do not gain anything from foraging, and that what's described above is the very least possible amount of time you would spend doing this. More realisticly it would take you about an hour to an hour and a half to complete the above sinario if that.
I understand that more herbs and therefor more possibility for skill gains are on their way, but in the mean time could grinding herbs be reconsidered for skill gains? As I understand it, the original reason why it was removed was because one or two players discovered a bug that allowed them to grind herbs indefinitly resulting in endless skill gains. Why couldn't this bug be fixed and allow players to gain skills from grinding once more? If I'm wrong about the reason why it was removed I apologize, but would still like to know why.
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Re: Herbalism skill gains

Post by Jirato »

Herbalism as it is now is far from final. We have an active project to re-evaluate skill gains, introduce new herbs, and add new abilities. This, however, is going to take quite a bit of time.
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