Hair Merchant

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Posts: 602
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:21 pm
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Hair Merchant

Post by Fayne »

I know we've had a lot of merchants, new and old, lately, but one I've never seen is a merchant to give unique haircuts or hair colors. Seeing as changing your hair color was removed from the boutique entirely, could we maybe get a merchant sometime soon come in to do this? I have a character or two I'd really like to give an odd haircolor to, and unique haircuts would be fun! If this is too hard, I understand, but I'd really find it awesome if we could do it!
A scrawny alley cat stares after the dog with big green eyes.
Speaking to a scrawny alley cat, you ask, "Friend of yours?"
A scrawny alley cat hisses angrily.
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