additions to karma command

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additions to karma command

Post by Sneaky »

Being karmaed several times, I've noticed that when it happens it is very hard to tell for what reason someone was karmaed exactly. There have been a few times when it has happened and it's seemed to be abused. I'm not pointing fingers, and I don't really care if it was being abused or not in the past, but I would like an addition that requires the person who is karmaing to explain their reasoning. The person who has been karmaed can see exactly why, and build off of that information. It doesn't have to have the person's name, just a reason. This way it is easier to see why it happened, and also easier to see who is abusing it. I don't like to make people upset, and I'm sure everybody wants to keep the game as friendly as possible, but being forced out of communications just because a couple people are upset with you or don't like what you said even though it might not have been offensive in the first place with no explination, seems a little unproductive. This way the people who are karmaing are forced to give a good reason why, and the people being karmaed can build off of the reason and better adjust their behavior.
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Re: additions to karma command

Post by merin »

I would agree with this. Sometimes, we're just ahving one of those days (Sorry, sin), and do it without thinking. It may actually cut back on that, too. In the few times I've used it, thinking back on it now, I would find it not worth my time if I thought the person was just being annoying.

I guess what I'm getting at is in that moment when you feel it necessary to, another measure to cause one to think on it would be helpful. I've hit it in that flash of annoyence and regretted it after I thought about it because it wasn't so bad, after all.
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Re: additions to karma command

Post by Zoiya »

This has been requested in the past and, again, we don't really want to get into reasons why someone was karma'd because then it would turn into a discussion or argument about why it was right, wrong and so forth.

We do watch karma. Closely. If we find you to be abusing it - you'll find yourself unable to use it.
[CHAT - Lil' Skittles GM Zoiya escalates quickly]: *hugs Kent*
[CHAT - Kent "Gunney" Gunderman]: *gingerly hugs back*
[CHAT - Grandmaster Ardor will be NOM'd by a drakolin]: You can give Zoiya a bearhug Kent, she can handle it.
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