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Post by Isiaa »

There isn't any.Which is somewhat of an RP problem.Templars and monks follow the holy flame/inner light thing but that's the only religion there is.
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Post by Rias »

It's not complete, but note the "Immortals" link on the left of the wiki, that leads here:
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Post by Isiaa »

will worship be available or is that not planned?
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Post by Rias »

It is planned, along with a few perks dependent on the entity worshipped in some cases.
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Post by Isiaa »

I have an idea for burial.Basically when worship is available when a player buries something depending on the deity they worship something different happens:
Vodr: You bury the corpse of 'creature/player'.The body disappears in a flash of lightning.
From now on I will only describe my idea without the bury part.
Serafina: The corpse is consumed by golden flames.
Nereia: The body turns to salt,crumbles and dissolves.
Neia: Water flows from the body until nothing is left.
Destiny Owleyes: Shards of ice turn the body to pieces
Jonathon Crowhaven: Nethereal crows converge on the body leaving nothing behind.
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Post by Isiaa »

Note:This on the assumption that all of these can be worshipped.According to some people worship itself makes one a god therefore Destiny and Jonathon are gods.
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Post by Rias »

I really like the burial ideas. I'll put them on the immortals/worship to-do list.
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Post by Isiaa »

Would it be possible to code a very simple religious mechanic now? Basically characters could "Declare for (Deity)"
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Post by Isiaa »

This just shows up as a mark as in He/She wears the mark of (deity)
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Post by Rias »

We could have some shops that sell symbols and such. Wouldn't require a mechanic. The religion lore and immortal list is still woefully bare, though.
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Post by Isiaa »

Some more gods...

Belotus - earth, Kleseia - flora spirit, Authosma - air, Lemposeia - water, Isenadan - fire, Prasymos - fauna spirit, Gurion - personality spirit of Good, Crelos - personality spirit of Evil
Belotus, The Eternal Mountain
Tildari god of the earth. Some clans believe he is the source of death and worship him as such while others pray to him for the harvest.
He is the first god to have spawned after the paroxysm from the elemental plane of earth.
Lemposeia, The Furious Wave
The goddess of the waters and nature at her most fickle and destructive.
The clans pray to her for safety from the storms and for plentiful gatherings of fish.
Belotus is her husband and they have given birth to Kleseia and Gurion
Kleseia, The Seasons
The goddess of flowers and trees. All clans pray to her for the harvest.
Her beauty is unrivalled and she is the first goddess not made of pure otherworldly energies.She is bound to the planet even more than the Original Creators.
She is the child of Belotus and Lemposeia.
Gurion, The King
Gurion, god of the inner moon is the champion and king of the gods. Before battles and hard decisions the Tildari pray to him and offer sacrifices in his honour.
The fury of the waves and the strength of the earth fill him, the first celestial god. His power is bound to the moon he is named after and he stands for justice pure and simple.
As a celestial god his powers are not limited to Anaea and his moon but can affect the weather, comets meteors and other such things. He is the son of Belotus and Lemposeia

Isenadan, The Cataclysm
The god of destruction and anger. He is prayed to before battles and to prevent drought. His destructive powers are so great they cannot create.
He brought light to the worlds but after the mortals dishonoured him he brought the first cataclysm after which he was named.

Authosma, The Harmony
The goddess of winds and gems, she is prayed to mainly by merchants and those seeking inner peace.
She can counteract the effects of Isenadan and is the only one able to mate and lie with him.
She bore him Prasymos and Crelos.
Prasymos, The Wanderer
god of the wild beasts and the hunt.
Huntsmen, naturalists, rangers all must pray to him or they shall not find food, cannot bind themselves to the world and find the wilds rising against them when they are need.
Crelos, The Demon
god of demons and hell as well as crime
No-one prays to Crelos. At least not really. His power is based on death and crime. He is a cruel and unforgiving god but necromancers and shaman as well as those who relish death make sure to serve him as best they can. His mother gave him the power to create while his father gave him the gift of destruction. Thus he created the undead, the demons and most importantly the plagues: hate, envy, lust, greed and hope.
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Post by Isiaa »

The above is a copy of a word file of some gods I made for another game. Feel free to adapt them. Their mainly nature themed.
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Post by Myke »

Richtus, God of Invention. His symbol is an interlocked pair of gears. His power stems from the spirit of creation, and as far as immortals go tends to be a true recluse. It is not to say, however, that he is disinterested. He is extremely interested in the machinations of the mortal races, and feels an inherent connection whenever a mortal forges ahead in new ground. The rest of the time? Few things tear him away from his works.
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