Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

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Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by Baylee »

I've got some ideas about some new professions/skills that would be cool if implemented. First of all, I would like to see brewing as a skill/profession. Players could have access to stills and such tools for brewing beers/ales, wines and liquors. Different ingredients (including, but not limited to: wheat, barley, corn, hops, beans, coffees, roots, fruits/berries) would yield different types of alcohol when used in different combinations. Then PC's that brew could drink their own brews, or sell them to other PC's, the market or taverns/inns for profit.

Secondly, glass working would be an awesome profession to implement along with brewing, as well as to open up some other avenues of making riln. It would be essential to allow PC's to create their own bottles for their brews, but also they could make glass bowls, vases, beads (to be used in jewelry), marbles, glass figurines/sculptures, or other commodities for selling. I don't really think there should be glass weapons or anything, but that could be something to think about also if people seem to be into it.

Also, there are a few small things that could be added to other professions that could be useful with these two suggestions. Bottle caps made from metals with smithing, or wooden cooks from wood working. Both for use as stoppers with glass bottles. And of course, things to grow through farming to use in brewing. Anybody, feel free to voice your questions, comments or concerns. :D

I almost forgot, but Quarts would need to be added as a mine-able material for use in glass working.
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Re: Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by xavier »

Personally I think both of these professions are a fabulous idea, though with some variations on what you suggested.
"Players could have access to stills and such tools for brewing beers/ales, wines and liquors. "
I believe that the stills and tools for such a thing be craftable products only. 1. Stills are mostly a lot of copper tubing and metal screens and such so putting these items under commodities (forging general) would be awesome.
2. You could then use parts from the carpentry skill to construct the planks needed for its base etc. Basically have the creation of a still require parts from as many conceiveable skills. forging, carpentry, leatherworking (if applicable). Obviously farming, foraging, and wood working could and should have a part in this. the latter for the portable tools like a stirring paddle or something.
3. Since stills are not portable things, make them unmovable after built (pieces all put together ). thus adding a somewhat permanent item. As constant brewing will degrade the still and well there is always the chance of explosion...

"Players could have access to stills and such tools for brewing beers/ales, wines and liquors. "
Again I think glass is another excellent medium for a crafting skill, but with some minor changes. I think we should go with glass blowing. Sounds like nothing different but a well trained glass blower starts with sand , fires it in a furnace gets a lump of molten glass on the end of a tube (again a suggested forging item) and using their own wind and some help from whatever tools they use to shape , cut etc. These could also be dyeable items perhaps with multiple colors. and one thing I forget if you mentioned it would be mirrors, they were prized items in the time period Clok reminds me of. this would require not only the sand and the effort but silver as well, and just think about the riln you could sell one for should you go for something like a full length mirror.
As to your mention of quartz as a medium for addition to this skill, that is more akin to gemcutting than glassworking so if you are wanting to make crystal vases, goblets, etc I'd suggest an addition to gemcutting perhaps or an entirely new skill of crystal carving or something.
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Re: Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by xavier »

ugh obviously my skill with forums is showing. I meant to reference the following before my comments on glass working.
Secondly, glass working would be an awesome profession to implement along with brewing, as well as to open up some other avenues of making riln. It would be essential to allow PC's to create their own bottles for their brews, but also they could make glass bowls, vases, beads (to be used in jewelry), marbles, glass figurines/sculptures, or other commodities for selling. I don't really think there should be glass weapons or anything, but that could be something to think about also if people seem to be into it.
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Re: Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by Kiyaani »

I don't know about glass making, but there is currently Quartz in-game listed as a gemstone. And there was a still at the Grum Festival auction we had several months ago so maybe brewing is in the works already. I'm sure the GMs would appreciate any ideas you could send their way about both features.
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Re: Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by Jhieger »

Brew me some of the good stuff!
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Re: Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by Baylee »

Thanks for the input, people. I still don't know everything about CLOK, so if I mention things that you've already seen in-game I apologize. Actually though, glass blowing was what I originally had in mind when I started to think about this. As for having to build stills, I completely agree. I like the idea of involving many different skills in the process, so that it makes sense to start partnerships with other PC's with different skill sets.
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Re: Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by Karasi »


Okay, sorry for yelling. I loooove these ideas. A lot.

Add the ability to make beaded and/or knotted jewelry, braids, beads from various materials--glass, wood, clay, stone perhaps.

I don't know when porceleine (sp?) and/or ceramics came into use, but they could be used them for making vases, bowls, cups, mugs, etc, for selling.

In turn, you could have bolts of cloth for sail for making clothing. Add to that the jewelry-crafting already possible, but with some extra abilities--more than one gem on a ring or other piece, ability to make links of metal, not just solid bands, filigree.

With the clothing, allow for patterns, colors galore, all types of fabric--silk, wool, cotton, fleece, denim, linen, anything else that fits within genre and time period.

One thing I would love to see is the ability to describe clothing/jewelry/other crafted items. This could be exclusive to crafters, whose specialties are the crafting of various items. Give them bonuses in woodwork, tailoring, leathercrafting, jewelry-making, that other non-members would not have. You could make this crafters guild alongside the traders--perhaps they share access to certain areas--mines, shops, etc.

The possibilities for crafting are endless, so I'm going to post this in its own thread as well as here, so that others who might not look at this thread will see it.
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Re: Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by Lysse »

Karasi wrote:I don't know when porceleine (sp?) and/or ceramics came into use, but they could be used them for making vases, bowls, cups, mugs, etc, for selling.

I submitted a fairly detailed proposal for pottery making to the GMs, already. Chances are that pottery/ceramics is in the works, just somewhat down on the to-do list I'm sure.
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Re: Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by Makkah »

Could junipers being introduced pave the way for distilling gin?!!? (juniper berries are used to flavor our favorite beefeater)
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Re: Profession Ideas: Brewing and Glassworking

Post by jilliana »

I am all for these ideas, particularly for the glass blowing. I have a soft spot for it and visit a glass blower when I have the chance.
It could be a means to introduce another guild or intigrate it with the trader's guild somehow since some of us are all about renaming it.
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