Climbing stairs while hidden

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Climbing stairs while hidden

Post by cliff »

As a thief, it is frustrating to be required to come out of hiding every time I need to climb some steps while sneaking about town. We're not very stealthy if we must intentionally reveal ourselves even while moving to and from the guild-exclusive secret passageways. I'm not asking for the ability to climb cliffs and mountainsides undetected, just steps and staircases. It doesn't have to be a thief-only ability, or even an ability at all, just a general quality of life improvement for all players. Although, it might add a certain something special to guilds with the urban stealth ability if only they could move unseen through such exits.

Let me know what you think.
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Post by Rias »

Might be possible for the no-challenge climbables (most stairs and ladders).
The lore compels me!
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