Hiresword termination/general ideas

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Hiresword termination/general ideas

Post by Dyslexia »

K, not my ideas, just putting on board cause someone was lazy to do. :'D
Hireswords do not terminate if hireswords are put in minion stay mode, even if they're in the same room when you're killed.
Hireswords do not leave you if you die from natural causes (trees falling on your eyeballs, cave-ins, bleeding from saws) since they're hired to protect you from hostile mobs/players. Cough.
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Post by Lun »

You have no poetry in your soul.

We've recently heard that there was a modification to the hiresword system where if the ward is killed, the hiresword will terminate the contract. This makes complete sense, but it would be a more interesting modification of the system if when you died while the hiresword is not present, (I.E. you have him stay at your home while you do something not dangerous), he would not be aware of your death and thus would not terminate his or her contract. this would potentially save the contractor large sums of money if he or she dies without the hiresword present during an accident or unexpected ambush.

The first suggestion was my idea, second is Dyslexia's. He would like it if natural causes would not terminate the contract, as the hiresword was contracted to guard from hostiles, not trees.

I would also like to add another one: Hireswords point out hidden characters if they notice them. This would give a warning to the contractor in the event of a possible ambush.
Last edited by Lun on Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Landion »

I'm unsure why the messaging wasn't working, but that's a bug which will hopefully be worked out. I am still working to iron out this system a bit more as well.

But right now mercenaries (and other minions) will take off if you die with them in the area with you. It is intended as part of balance and as a part of the risk of owning and paying for some of the extra expensive and powerful mercenaries, or other 'cool' perks such as the new Corvus imps.

Aside from a necessary step toward balance, it makes sense to me that if the person paying the mercenary dies, they no longer have a reason to stick around.

Edited to add:

- The Natural causes idea I don't see working out. The employer is still dead.
- Currently, if you leave your minion somewhere, like a home, and you die, you won't lose that minion. This may change in the future.
Last edited by Landion on Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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